
SIYE Time:0:26 on 14th December 2024
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Reviewer: ngayonatkailanman Signed Date: 2012.08.02 - 12:05PM Title: Fireworks


What a delight!

Reviewer: HMSChocolate Signed Date: 2009.08.11 - 11:20AM Title: Fireworks

ginevra longbottomii
I'm laughing at the irony of this
Great wedding :D

Author's Response: :-D

Thanks! As I pointed out to a Neville/Ginny shipper who's a friend of mine, after I teased everyone with Harry/Luna I had to balance things out. ;-)

Reviewer: Bware0313 Signed Date: 2009.08.07 - 03:06AM Title: Fireworks


Oh... James is gay and is interested in Malfoy's boy? Wow... Erm... "Harry still couldn't say that he understood..." I think that may just be putting it lightly... Good story, but I don't think that it's possible for Lily to have blue eyes... is it? I'm not sure how green genetics play in with Ginny's.... Ginny has to carry the trait for blue eyes, but what traits does Green carry?

Author's Response: As someone who has eyes that have been described as "bright brown" who is married to someone whose eyes are jade green and who has two daughters whose eyes are profoundly blue... yes, it's possible. ;-) (Blue eyes are a recessive gene. Both parents can be carrying it without it affecting their eye color at all. Neither my wife nor eye have anyone in our immediate families who's blue eyed. And yet those blue eyed girls are still there!) Thanks!

Reviewer: ProfessorBinns Signed Date: 2009.08.06 - 07:09PM Title: Fireworks


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