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Reviewer: ngayonatkailanman Signed Date: 2012.08.02 - 11:59AM Title: Fortune


What a very creative mind you have. A family tree in a garden.

Reviewer: hushpuppy22 Signed Date: 2009.08.06 - 06:52PM Title: Fortune

It's very difficult to accept Harry and Ginny as the typical over-extended middle-class family, which makes it difficult to suspend disbelief for this story. It would work great with any other Weasley.

Author's Response: Thanks so much for your feedback! It's funny—in addition to this site, I've posted this fic on LiveJournal, on Phoenix Song, on Simply Undeniable and on The Quidditch Pitch—and the only place where anyone has expressed any difficulty with Harry and Ginny being richer than Croesus is at SIYE. I think I get your objection, but I do have to ask two questions:

  1. How many typical middle-class families do you know of who have four houses, are supporting extended family members and have sent three kids through private (or, if you're in the UK, public) school ? (Well, a lot of families do—and it's a squeeze for most but all but the wealthiest.)
  2. Where in canon does it say that Harry's rich? Wealthier than the Weasleys, yes—they've got (at the beginning of PS/SS) FIVE kids in private/public school and only one income! Harry's vault is full of gold at the beginning of PS/SS—but there's no sense, for instance, that it's as large as the Lestrange vault that we see in DH. And all of Harry's expenses will have come out of that vault—his tuition, room and board at Hogwarts, his clothes and school supplies. At no point in seven books does anyone say that Harry is more than comfortable—and, IIRC, at no point after the first book do we see the contents of his vault. He's never told his balance. Hey—he's a kid. Why should he care? Are you SURE that seven years of drawing on his trust fund haven't emptied it considerably? I could make the same argument with his inheritance from Sirius. Yeah, he got the house. Houses are expensive. Sirius had no income from the time of his incarceration until he died. Most likely what hadn't been plundered by Lucius and Narcissa in the way of valuable assets went to support the cause of the Order during the war. So there's no assurance that Grimmauld Place was anything but a cash drain.

Honestly? I don't have a problem with rolling-in-the-Galleons!Harry. But it's a fanon trope, not a canon given.

And in these troubled times, I wanted to play with the idea of a Harry who actually had to make some difficult choices—those tend to be much more interesting to write and read about, don't you find? ;-)

Reviewer: HMSChocolate Signed Date: 2009.07.12 - 12:07AM Title: Fortune

I love this story, it's very touching. I don't know why people have such a hard believing that James might be gay or Harry might be not so wealthy. You didn't exactly say broke, just not as wealthy as we would like him to be. And I think it fits the whole Fountain of Fair Fortune well. The garden reminds me a bit of the Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett as well.

Reviewer: millenium Signed Date: 2009.04.28 - 06:26AM Title: Fortune


I really enjoyed this story. Loved the way the Harry and Ginny interacted and I liked them having to try and come up with the cash for the wedding! It brings a touch of "real life" to the fic and I thought it was fab!

I've never seen a fic with James/Scorpious, but now I come to think of it - I like it!

Would love to read about the actual wedding if you were considering writing a little sequel *bats eyelashes

Nice job!

Reviewer: griffindorechicky101 Signed Date: 2009.04.27 - 12:20AM Title: Fortune

that was supper cute

Author's Response: Thanks!

Reviewer: freshwater Signed Date: 2009.04.27 - 12:19AM Title: Fortune


Love the way the rose garden commemorates important events/weddings in the Potter family. Nice reassessment of values, too.

Author's Response: Thanks! It's always good to reassess values, I think. ;-)

Reviewer: WickedLoz Signed Date: 2009.04.26 - 10:10PM Title: Fortune


Hmm.. This was a cute story. Really, a nice piece of fluff, and a lovely insight to Harry and Ginny in their forties..

But I'm a canon-Nazi. I can't help it.

Firstly, while the idea of Lily and Lysander is very cute.. Luna didn't marry and have children until she was in her thirties, so that would make Lily at least 4 years older than Lysander.
This also can't be 10 years after the epilogue, as Lily was 9 years old in the epilogue, not 11.

I'm also not convinced about the Potters' financial status. While I'm not saying its a bad idea to have them struggling for money, as it is really a good plot, its not believable. I think you need to give us a different reason as to why they are not rich. Whilst I was reading this, I couldn't help but think "No, that's not true, he's Head Auror, of course he will have enough" and "She is a famous sports journalist and ex-player, surely she must be earning near the millions per year".

I'm also suprised at the idea of James being gay. I always intepreted him as the womaniser like both his name sakes. I also don't think it is weird having him react to Teddy and Victorie snogging, he is a 12 year old who just caught his God-Brother and cousin snoggin, and like Ginny said, he did such a 'Ron-thing'. Never mind, the sexuality of a 12 year old is not important, I'm just nitpicking ;)

Any chance of an additional chapter of the wedding where all hell breaks lose?? :D

Author's Response:

Thanks for the feedback! I'm glad that you enjoyed the fic.

You are, of course, right about the date of this fic; when I originally posted this, I wrote that it was "ABOUT ten years after the epilogue"—but I'd forgotten my own qualification. So let's say eight and a half years after, okay? ;-)

What JKR actually said about Luna was this: "She ended up marrying (rather later than Harry & co) a fellow naturalist and grandson of the great Newt Scamander (Rolf)!" No age, and no relative dates. Now, as you pointed out, Lily is nine during "Nineteen Years Later," so Harry and Ginny's youngest was born ten years after "Flaw in the Plan." Still, there's nothing to say that they didn't marry right after Ginny left Hogwarts. (Not the choice that I'd make for myself or for them, but for this fic...) So I decided that Luna marrying "rather later" meant that she married, oh.... NINE years after "Flaw in the Plan"--and had her twins soon thereafter. Voilà! Lily/Lysander!

The sexuality of a twelve-year-old IS important—to the twelve-year-old! But nothing that James does in the epilogue says anything at all about his sexuality. I don't think it's at all odd for James to react as he did to Teddy and Victoire. But there's nothing in any of the data that I enumerated, which is, as I said, EVERYTHING that we know about James (as opposed to what we've decided about him away from the books themselves) that screamed "womanizing straight boy." Believe me, I've got an eleven year old and a fourteen year old—their friends who are very into the opposite sex would have reacted to seeing a close family friend and a cousin snogging not by running back to their parents and being perplexed, but by whistling and cat-calling to the humiliation and annoyance of the couple and anyone else nearby. So no, I don't get the sense from that scene that James is wildly heterosexual at twelve or thirteen; rather I get the sense that, like most kids that age, he isn't there yet, and the whole thing strikes him as bizarre.

Ginny's a FAMOUS sports journalist and ex-player? Where did JKR say that? All that I can find that Rowling said was that Ginny played Quidditch and then went on to write for the Prophet. No one in canon says that Quidditch players make a lot of money; in the US and UK, most athletes as recently as a generation ago had to hold jobs in the off-season, and journalism has never been a highly paying job. As for Harry's work... Well, I've had friends who were middle-managers in government, and not one of them could be described as wealthy.

Mostly? I've been reading fics for years in which Harry basically owns half the world; I've even written a couple where he was fabulously wealthy. I wanted to confront Harry with limitations here—limitations that most parents have to confront in raising their children—and put him in a position where an altogether different solution presented itself. If he'd been fanon!wealthy (since there's nothing in canon to suggest that the Potters were particularly rich aside from an eleven-year-old's first reaction on seeing his Gringott's vault), there would have been no problem, and therefore no payoff at the end.

And I really wanted that payoff at the end! ;-)

(I don't plan to write more here.... but you never know!)

Reviewer: GoDons Signed Date: 2009.04.26 - 06:05PM Title: Fortune


Er, James is ... gay? God, I find that hard to believe somehow. I always thought Scorpius would end up with Rose, given Ron's warning to her not to get too friendly with him and to beat him in every test in the DH epilogue. And as James clearly displays character traits reminiscent of his paternal grandfather and Harry's godfather, as well as his uncles Fred and George's sense of humour, I would've thought that meant he was straight. Anyway, it's your story and you can do what you like with J K R's characters, but as I said, it's hard for me to imagine James being gay. In short, it doesn't suit him somehow.

Author's Response:

Fascinating! Well, as you say, it's my fic. I'm a little astonished that you could ascentain James's sexuality based on the scant data we have about him: he seems to be twelve or thirteen years old and he's certainly male; he's apperently Harry and Ginny's son—they are called a family and "the Potters"—; he teases his younger brother to the point where they apparently fight enough that his father won't let them share a room; he finds it weird that Teddy would snog VIctoire; he loves Teddy; he's a bit frightened of his mother... and that's about it. I don't see anything about him not liking men in there. I also see nothing about his likeness to either his father or his grandfather—physically or behaviorilly. We don't know a thing about what he looks like, and we get very little sense of how he acts; we certainly don't get anywhere near the insight into him that we do into his brother, for instance.

I don't have any particular interest in his sexuality, but in order to write the fic in answer to the request that elysianfields gave me,I had to figure out what Lily and her siblings were up to. Lily I knew I wanted to pair with Lysander, largely because I love his name. Albus.... Fully two-thirds of the fics written about Albus Severus pair him with Scorpius Malfoy, which is clearly a sour-grapes ship for former Harry/Draco shippers. I didn't want to go that route, for many reasons (not least of which being that I found Drarry downright silly, and therefore refuse to write a knock-off). So I paired Al with an unidentified girl (what a concept! one of the Potters marrying a character whose parents DIDN'T appear in the books!) and then thought, "Hey, aside from the fifty bazillion Scorpius/Al stories, most of the other second-generation stories that I've seen pair young Mr. Malfoy with Rose Weasley, based on that one off-handed joke from her father. (By that same logic, I guess you think that she was sorted into Slytherin and disinherited. How awful for her!)

In any case, I've never seen a James/Scorpius fic—largely because there's no obvious fandom reason for one. So I wrote it. And that's all it was. Well, that and poking fun at Draco, since it's clear that Harry would have a far easier time accepting such a thing in his son that that balding bigot with the pointy face.

So yeah, James was gay. His sexuality is not in any way indicated by the text of DH that I have been able to ascertain, and JKR has never spoken to the issue. So I'm afraid I felt absolute freedom in assigning him that sexuality; we'll need to agree to disagree.

In any case, the paragraph about James was about a third of the way into a four-thousand word fic. Did you enjoy the rest of it?

Reviewer: knightsbridge Signed Date: 2009.04.26 - 01:12PM Title: Fortune


Very touching...although I never immagined Harry would be broke...but you're right there is more than one kind of fortune

Author's Response:

Thanks so much! They aren't broke, just a bit squeezed. ;-)

I think I've read so many fics where Harry is fabulously wealthy (even though that isn't explicitly stated in the books—just that the vault has more money in it than Hary's ever seen).

Reviewer: hushpuppy22 Signed Date: 2009.04.26 - 01:01PM Title: Fortune


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