
SIYE Time:5:43 on 13th December 2024
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Reviewer: hms42 Signed Date: 2009.02.04 - 12:02AM Title: Chapter 6: Life With The Marauders


No Review

Reviewer: wolfsseele Signed Date: 2009.02.02 - 09:42PM Title: Chapter 6: Life With The Marauders

I like the beginning of the chapter, the idea with tonks and lupin meeting that way was fun to read but I hoped for al ittle more with Draco, I would have thought him much more difficult and with his sneer as with just one sentence of protest, that he does not want pitty. But I bed there is more fun to come when Ron enters that picture.

Author's Response: Just because Harry and Draco had a good day, does not mean that they are instantly going to be getting along. They are trying to at least not antagonize each other, but they will have disagreements. You are correct though about Ron. Chaos will errupt when he and Draco meet again.

Reviewer: jediprankster Signed Date: 2009.02.02 - 02:18AM Title: Chapter 6: Life With The Marauders


I loved the bit with Arthur and the enchanted skate. That was great, as was the resulting meeting between Remus and Tonks. The only criticism I can level at you is this: I don't think, even with a truce, that Harry and Draco would be that nice to each other so quickly. There are two years of mutual hatred between them.

Author's Response: They're just trying to be civil, arguments shall happen soon enough.

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2009.02.01 - 06:24PM Title: Chapter 6: Life With The Marauders

well its not a surprise that draco can be sivel but that quick is a trip...then again he is in a lose lose situation....kutgw

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