
SIYE Time:6:36 on 13th December 2024
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Reviewer: seekers_destiny Signed Date: 2009.01.18 - 03:00PM Title: Chapter 4: Home, Shopping, And Ginny


I liked this chapter but have one problem with it. If Sirius read Harry's letter, he should not be surprised by a Remus/Tonks match because it was in Harry's letter.

Author's Response: Sirius wasn't exactly paying attention to that part. With everything else contained in that letter, Remus and Tonks' relationship just didn't register.

Reviewer: Baby_Huey Signed Date: 2009.01.14 - 06:09PM Title: Chapter 4: Home, Shopping, And Ginny


This story is much better written than the previous installment.

As far as we know the only wizarding parts of London are Diagon Alley, Knockturn Alley, and the Leaky Cauldron. It is not necessary to say Muggle London if you are not talking about the wizarding areas. This applies to clothing as well; you do not need to say muggle jeans when just jeans will do. You are not the only author who does this. You may say that you are just trying to differentiate between muggle and wizard. Please trust in the intelligence of your readers. We will know when you are talking about something muggle and when you are talking about something magical.

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2008.12.31 - 06:27PM Title: Chapter 4: Home, Shopping, And Ginny

well im glad to see that harry is getting more info on his parents and that he is working his way thoguht with what he needs but soon ginny is going to need to show up and give harry a little fun in his life...kutgw

Reviewer: tokris Signed Date: 2008.12.31 - 11:08AM Title: Chapter 4: Home, Shopping, And Ginny

love the chapter! It's great to see Harry learn more about his parents... good and bad

Thanks for updating and I can't wait to see what will happen to Dumbledor once the world finds out what he did! ;)

Reviewer: runnerman87 Signed Date: 2008.12.30 - 11:58PM Title: Chapter 4: Home, Shopping, And Ginny


That was one of the more compelling "James and Lily get together" stories that I've read. Well done.

Author's Response: I'm glad you liked it.

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