
SIYE Time:5:26 on 13th December 2024
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Reviewer: Ginny Weasley Potter Signed Date: 2009.02.02 - 12:08AM Title: Chapter 1: Changing The Future


this is a great story keep it up

Reviewer: hms42 Signed Date: 2008.09.29 - 11:13AM Title: Chapter 1: Changing The Future


No Review

Reviewer: fireboltfx Signed Date: 2008.09.10 - 01:49PM Title: Chapter 1: Changing The Future


both stories are bloody brilliant

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2008.09.09 - 05:45PM Title: Chapter 1: Changing The Future

well life just gets a little harder btut hen again life is not hard its normal for harry...glad they are getting the early start now and will be better ahead in the future...kutgw

Reviewer: poshi Signed Date: 2008.09.09 - 09:54AM Title: Chapter 1: Changing The Future


Finally! I was hoping you would update soon and also that you would update this story frequently. This was great and I loved the part in the chamber, written quite well!

Hope you update soon!

Author's Response: I will be updating this story soon. I'm glad you like my work.

Reviewer: witowsmp Signed Date: 2008.09.09 - 09:54AM Title: Chapter 1: Changing The Future


This seems like a pretty good story. I think I'll have to reread the previous one, though. I look forward to seeing the rat turned in.

Reviewer: LeprechaunJV Signed Date: 2008.09.09 - 04:04AM Title: Chapter 1: Changing The Future


No Review

Reviewer: moonlight Signed Date: 2008.09.09 - 02:52AM Title: Chapter 1: Changing The Future


I like this story! :-D Keep writing!

Reviewer: AngusHardie Signed Date: 2008.09.09 - 12:50AM Title: Chapter 1: Changing The Future


Interesting beginning, I'm very interested to see how this story continues.

Having the whole group of them return is an interesting idea and I'm looking forward to seeing how it goes.

Looking forward to the next part very much,

Reviewer: GinnySavesHarry1998 Signed Date: 2008.09.09 - 12:18AM Title: Chapter 1: Changing The Future


Intriguing.... I must say that I like this story so far much more than the Secrets Kept. That one just felt so abrupt and unrealistic... well not that anything in the HP is necessarily realistic but it just seemed to happen all so quickly I guess. But this one chapter already seems to have a lot more detail... perhaps you have this one more planned out and Secrets Kept was added to give some background so we all weren't lost. :-)

Author's Response: The first story was actually Secrets Revealed. You were right, it was meant to be a prequel, and Secrets He's Kept is the main story.

Reviewer: Pooky Anonymous Date: 2008.09.08 - 08:03PM Title: Chapter 1: Changing The Future


No Review

Reviewer: Sebastien Signed Date: 2008.09.08 - 06:14PM Title: Chapter 1: Changing The Future


No Review

Reviewer: ginevrapulliza Signed Date: 2008.09.08 - 04:21PM Title: Chapter 1: Changing The Future


You are right. That was interesting. I hope to read more soon. This chapter was really nice.

Reviewer: millenium Signed Date: 2008.09.08 - 12:42PM Title: Chapter 1: Changing The Future

OK, you have me hooked! Update soon please please please! Good twist, can't wait to see how it all comes together.

Reviewer: starboy454 Signed Date: 2008.09.08 - 10:55AM Title: Chapter 1: Changing The Future


No Review

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