
SIYE Time:4:47 on 13th December 2024
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Reviewer: piltad Signed Date: 2008.11.30 - 01:34AM Title: Epilogue: Overture per una Nuova Vita

LOL A sequel not so much but a prequel I would love to read. I will say though that this is one of them best I have read in awhile now. I didn't figure you would kill off the whole Potter family most people won't. I just didn't figure you would go about it in the way you did that was I think the best part. I will say I love the Dark Lord Potter idea and Harry just laughing it off that was great. All around great job can't wait to see more from you in the future.

Reviewer: Trucker Signed Date: 2008.06.30 - 07:20PM Title: Epilogue: Overture per una Nuova Vita


A fantastic tale! Thanks for writing it.

Author's Response: your welcome. Thanks for reading and reviewing.

Reviewer: Breaten Signed Date: 2007.11.18 - 09:06PM Title: Epilogue: Overture per una Nuova Vita


Great story. There was nothing in the story that went unexplained. I do appreciate the effort that you put into your stories, and it certainly pays off.

Reviewer: knightsbridge Signed Date: 2007.11.16 - 03:43PM Title: Epilogue: Overture per una Nuova Vita


I know you said you would be posting this story on this site, but due to the 'down time', I started reading other sites as this evening I sat and read this in one go. I'm really glad you didn't write a book 7 story. Sad to say, it's been done to death. I'm glad Jo left some room for writers to add their own spin on her work...but that's not really a place for a first time writer to have a go at it.

Personally, I think this ended exactly where it should. Much as I love a mystery, unraveling too much is just that...too much. I admit that in the middle of the last chapter, there was one tiny error that had me on the floor.: (Ron) swiped the EARS from his eyes...all I could picture was Ron with big house-elf ears.. You managed to get Ron out of the comic relief category, and into a caring, loving adult.

I look forward to you continuing Curse Breakers, for not only your writing, but reasons I previously told you about. lol, now: go write!

Thanks again for a great story.

Reviewer: ginevrapulliza Signed Date: 2007.11.16 - 02:21PM Title: Epilogue: Overture per una Nuova Vita


Hi, This story was really good. I'm really surprise to have finish the story since is on Hermione's point of view and I hate her. Though the story really was worth it. You have a thing with words that is amazing.

Kepp it up with the good work and take care.

Reviewer: GinnyPotter7 Signed Date: 2007.11.16 - 10:56AM Title: Epilogue: Overture per una Nuova Vita


I LOVED that! There were so many scenes that made me cry but ones that made me smile too. Fantastic job!

Reviewer: jeff64108 Signed Date: 2007.11.16 - 08:48AM Title: Epilogue: Overture per una Nuova Vita


No Review

Reviewer: neomatrixj2 Signed Date: 2007.11.16 - 06:04AM Title: Epilogue: Overture per una Nuova Vita



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