
SIYE Time:6:38 on 13th December 2024
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Reviewer: piltad Signed Date: 2008.11.29 - 11:43PM Title: Atto Tre: Il Canon del Destino

Darn it I don't know I really don't think you killed them off ass much as I would be ok with that and would like to see someone go that route. I just don't believe that you wouldn't actually do that I think your going to pull something here just don't know what you will do. I do wonder though what exactly you will do can't wait to read it.

Reviewer: GinnyPotter7 Signed Date: 2007.11.11 - 10:32AM Title: Atto Tre: Il Canon del Destino


wow. That was incredibly sad. I really want to read on to see what really happened. Please update!

Author's Response: Just two more chapters. Hopefully, it won't be too sad. Thanks for reading. -Jonathan

Reviewer: jeff64108 Signed Date: 2007.11.10 - 06:46PM Title: Atto Tre: Il Canon del Destino


No Review

Reviewer: melkior Signed Date: 2007.11.10 - 06:09PM Title: Atto Tre: Il Canon del Destino


This is a great fic. I read it on some time ago.
Although some elements of it just weren't my thing I still loved it.
It's wonderfully written and in the end I feel better for reading it.
It says everything but still leaves a lot to think about.
Great work!


Author's Response: Thanks, Dino. I completely understand if certain sections were not to you're liking. There are very few fanfics out there that some item does not rub me the wrong way. But thanks for the compliment. It is always my hope that my writing leaves the reader with something.

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