
SIYE Time:5:20 on 13th December 2024
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Reviewer: piltad Signed Date: 2008.11.29 - 07:40PM Title: Atto Due: Masquerade della Morte

Wow what a tangled web you weave. I must say great job I am loving it though I am with Hermione how in the world could a Weasley give up Harr, Ginny, and James??? That is just unthinkable I am assuming you used Percy as your traitor from how he wasn't there but I just don't know why he would do something like that... Dang good chapter here you really have things rolling and makes it so hard to stop reading. I really wish you would of given more background so we knew who the other traitor was and would of loved to see the Snape and Harry battle I for one don't trust him at all and that is after reading DH lol. Great job though you have exceeded my expectations I thought from where this was going earlier that you were going to move this along and not throw any twists in just have Harry beat Voldy and than talk about the Potter family running away into the night but you sure did prove me wrong and I LOVE IT!!!

Reviewer: jeff64108 Signed Date: 2007.11.10 - 06:45PM Title: Atto Due: Masquerade della Morte


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