Reviews For Requiem of the Phoenix
Reviewer: piltad Signed Date: 2008.11.28 - 04:32AM Title: Prelude: Fugue della Foresta Scura Well I just left you a big long review and got disconnected. So I will give you the jist of it. I really like the Dark and fear riddled atmosphere you have created. And can't wait to see who is the secret keeper is and how exactly this will all end great job can't wait to read more. Reviewer: meegs Signed Date: 2008.03.23 - 07:41PM Title: Prelude: Fugue della Foresta Scura This is an absolutely amazing story. I love the way it was set up, and I still love this completely different, yet completely awesome final battle. I'm sad that this is your only other work and that you don't have much recognition. Reviewer: jeff64108 Signed Date: 2007.11.10 - 06:44PM Title: Prelude: Fugue della Foresta Scura No Review Reviewer: everylittlething Signed Date: 2007.11.10 - 05:29PM Title: Prelude: Fugue della Foresta Scura Hello! I just happened to recognise your name at the top of the update list over here at siye and thought I'd have a read - only got time for chapter one this morning but what a great start! It's like a post-HBP spy novel set in a magical reality! Reviewer: Breaten Signed Date: 2007.11.10 - 01:47PM Title: Prelude: Fugue della Foresta Scura Marvelous story, I love your twist on the final battle, and the second traitor. You have the most intelligent stories I have read. I enjoy Cursebreakers, and this story very much. Reviewer: BeyondRedHorizons Signed Date: 2007.11.10 - 01:12PM Title: Prelude: Fugue della Foresta Scura No Review Reviewer: squiditch Signed Date: 2007.11.02 - 07:38PM Title: Prelude: Fugue della Foresta Scura This is a marvelous story. thank you | |||||||