
SIYE Time:6:40 on 13th December 2024
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Reviews For Friends

Reviewer: iKingBearII Signed Date: 2019.06.25 - 05:39AM Title: Folly, Act III


This was a very good heartwarming read, thank you for breaking my stereotype viewpoint of post-Hogwarts fics. This is definitely my favourite post-Hogwarts and I will remember this one as the golden example of a post-Hogwarts done right (at least, right to my standards).

Author's Response: Thanks so much for your reviews — here and throughout the series! I'm very pleased with this cycle — even after all these years — so I'm happy it worked for you.

Reviewer: mcepl Signed Date: 2019.03.16 - 12:49PM Title: Folly, Act III


Excellent as always, but now I am eagerly waiting for those Dudley's exploits in the Army (which is a great idea, BTW)! Thank you for the story.

Reviewer: Aragorn Signed Date: 2017.05.25 - 07:45PM Title: Folly, Act III


One of the premium sentences in FanFiction:
"Love is like the grass pushing up through the cracks in a city street; people can try to pretend that they can conquer it, or that it isn’t there, but it always comes back."

A truly joyous story to re-read after so many years. Thanks for your gifts!

Author's Response: Thank you so much. I love this story sequence -- and that line is one of my favorite things I've ever written. I'm glad they still work for you!

Reviewer: arwen85 Signed Date: 2009.10.30 - 11:37PM Title: Folly, Act III


Great!!! I love this series... Congratulations, I think your writting it's terrific.

Reviewer: JJP Signed Date: 2009.09.03 - 04:44AM Title: Folly, Act III

Lovely, very well done.

Reviewer: freshwater Signed Date: 2009.05.24 - 07:00PM Title: Folly, Act III


Quite a brilliant series of F-word stories.....I particularly liked the chapter called "F-word" and this one. I admire the way you can tell a story of moe or less routine, daily kind of events, and find the deeper or more lasting meaning in them.

Reviewer: GoDons Signed Date: 2009.05.19 - 06:19PM Title: Folly, Act III


Enjoyed this chapter. Good job.

Reviewer: cacata Signed Date: 2009.05.19 - 04:55PM Title: Folly, Act III

Love is like the grass pushing up through the cracks in a city street; people can try to pretend that they can conquer it, or that it isn’t there, but it always comes back.

Absolutely the best line ever!

Author's Response: Thanks so much! I'm glad that you like that bit!

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