
SIYE Time:5:26 on 13th December 2024
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Reviews For Friends

Reviewer: iKingBearII Signed Date: 2019.06.25 - 05:30AM Title: Folly, Act II


That was ah, one hell of a cliffhanger. Very curious to see how that goes... I love Harry's bungled proposal!

Reviewer: destin4fl Signed Date: 2009.02.08 - 10:13PM Title: Folly, Act II


very good, i love your writin style and have missed his story. excellent approach to a sensitive subject of when the time is right. good stuff.

Reviewer: 7Ginny7 Signed Date: 2009.02.08 - 09:11AM Title: Folly, Act II


Author's Response: Well, this three-chapter sequence is, after all, called "Folly." ;-) And there is one more chapter in this sequence, so all is not lost, I promise!

Reviewer: GoDons Signed Date: 2009.02.07 - 10:16PM Title: Folly, Act II


Any reason why Ginny won't try out with the Harpies? Seems to go against the supplementary info JK Rowling revealed after the publication of Deathly Hallows i e, that Ginny played Chaser for the Harpies for some years after leaving Hogwarts, then, when she retired, she settled down with Harry to have a family of their own and be the Daily Prophet's senior Quidditch reporter.

If you decide to have Ginny not try out with the Harpies, this would then make your story AU, depending, of course, whether you'll disregard the extra info, not included in the final book, that J K R made public.

Finally, really good story so far. Just wondering, though, how many more chapters do you have to go? And you're not suggesting that Ginny and Neville were more than friends while Harry, Ron and Hermione were on the Horcrux hunt, are you? Because I kind of got that impression when Neville was conversing with Harry in the last chapter. Maybe it was earlier ... my brain's gone a bit fuzzy.

Author's Response: As for Ginny not trying out, well... There is a reason that this three 'act' sequence of chapters is called "Folly." ;-)

Likewise, yes, you remembered correctly: Neville told Harry in the previous chapter that he'd kissed Ginny twice the previous year.

All will work out in the end, I promise—though not without futher complications.

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