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Reviews For Friends

Reviewer: iKingBearII Signed Date: 2019.06.25 - 05:20AM Title: Forever


Ah, the singing dwarves! I don't think I've ever seen the tables turn and have Harry employ one in a fic. I absolutely love that! That ending was, as I see is custom for this story, very beautiful and heartwarming. I'm interested to see where this Luna and Rolf thing goes (as I know they are married in canon).

Reviewer: hp4_source Signed Date: 2008.08.07 - 10:55PM Title: Forever


Better a late review than never.

I like the series very much and this chapter is no exception. The idea of usung the same dwarf that tackled Harry in CoS was great.

Neville and Luna are always fun.

Author's Response:

(Better a slow response than none!)

Those two do make for good times, don't they. ;-)

I'm glad that you enjoyed this! It was fun writing something frothy....

Reviewer: M_And Signed Date: 2008.05.07 - 01:02AM Title: Forever


Ah very nice! Now I can retire, so to speak - still gotta keep the day job. You are really a fantastic writer. Your dialog flows very naturally and you incorporate wonderful little tidbits into the scenes and plot that really give the story a rich exoerience. I bow to your talent. Nicely done! Can't wait to see where you take this. - M

PS - I realize you probably don't have many chapters left, but with what you've done so far I could invsion a couple at least. How close am I ?

Author's Response: Well, I've started the next chapter (in three parts)—I'd love to know how close your guess was? ;-) And thanks for the feedback! I'm sorry I didn't respond earlier; my so-called real life intervened most inopportunely.

Reviewer: DebbieO Signed Date: 2008.04.09 - 11:25PM Title: Forever


Yay! That was too cute. I love Luna, and Rolf Scamander was too funny. Neville the ladies man. Two dates, he is so in for it! And Harry's valentine was adorable. Loved it.

Reviewer: hushpuppy22 Signed Date: 2008.04.08 - 11:48PM Title: Forever


No Review

Reviewer: Wolfs_Scream Signed Date: 2008.04.08 - 09:22AM Title: Forever


I'm sorry I didn't notice this series earlier; it was exceptionally well-written.

Reviewer: gejufan Signed Date: 2008.04.07 - 01:12PM Title: Forever


with so many stories i can never remember which i gave a review and which i didn't.
so if i gave one before here's another and if not well then just forgive me for not doing it sooner.

i think this chapter is be far one of the best if not the best of this series. i loved the dwarf bit, is that the same one who tackled harry in his second year? i wonder was the song a marriage proposal hidden as a song or am i just over reading into it.

Reviewer: Sovran Signed Date: 2008.04.07 - 01:05PM Title: Forever


Excellent turnabout. I do wonder if perhaps Neville's day ended better than he thought it might. =)

Author's Response: Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed Harry's little reversal. ;-)

As for Neville... Well, I'm sure he'll end happilly, because he's Neville. But whether the girls are going to have any pity on him at all this soon is an open question, I think!

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