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Reviews For Friends

Reviewer: iKingBearII Signed Date: 2019.06.25 - 04:51AM Title: The F Word


Alright, I think you've gotten past my main pet peeve with these stories (Besides for what Gin and I were saying about Harry virtually abandoning Ginny to be Ministry poster boy). They either take ages to build up to Harry actually having a heart-to-heart with Ginny, or it happens immediately. I think Ginny got everything off her chest and they worked past it very well. The ending was also immensely heartwarming and I have to say I love it.

Reviewer: Aragorn Signed Date: 2018.05.12 - 03:45PM Title: The F Word


At least the 3rd time reading this chapter...and after almost 11 years of prolific reading of HP fanfics, this has gotta be the best post-Battle of Hogwarts chapter of all time! Thank you...

Ginny is one of JKR's most brilliant creations but she was absolute rubbish at writing the romance. Thank goodness for fanfiction.

Reviewer: Prof McGonagall Signed Date: 2009.05.20 - 11:20PM Title: The F Word


That was absolutely fantastic! And EXACTLY what I was missing in DH! I just could not believe when JKR wouldn't even let Harry talk to Ginny after the battle was over...aaarrrgghh!

So thank you for doing such a splended job filling in the void! And exactly how I would have pictured their first REAL talk to be.

Author's Response: You're welcome, you're welcome, you're welcome! :-D

Reviewer: Sovran Signed Date: 2008.02.05 - 10:19AM Title: The F Word


Well, as promised, you delivered an F word that was not obvious and yet oh-so-appropriate. I also dearly loved the 'never shuts up' connection. That's a bit of Ginny's canon personality that doesn't always make it into fanfic, especially not with such deliberation and thoughtfulness. More generally, you did an excellent job of capturing real dialogue. It's rarely clear or concise or even sensical. It wanders and diverges and interjects and expresses and sometimes it stops, and somewhere in there is the meaning. Quite wonderfully, the story does that, too, and I think that's the real accomplishment here. The story wanders and diverges and interjects and expresses, and sometimes it pauses. Somewhere in there, without any sort of sign that says "Central point here!", is the meaning of the story.

And that, of course, is the power that many authors know not.

Author's Response: It's hard to know when to shut up, isn't it? ;-)

I feel as if I have to relearn that skill every time I sit down at a keyboard!

In any case, thanks so much! I'm glad that you enjoyed this story's meanderings and pauses. :-)

Reviewer: kit9216 Signed Date: 2008.02.04 - 11:14PM Title: The F Word


I just needed you to know that I bounced when I saw this was updated. By far one of my post-DH fics because it's so perfectly in character for both Harry and Ginny, and because your writing is spot on. Brilliant, and I'm looking forward to subsequent additions.

Author's Response: Thanks so much! As it happens, I did decide to write some more—I hope that you enjoy it as much. ;-)

Reviewer: sweetdreamer285 Signed Date: 2008.01.30 - 11:10PM Title: The F Word


Whoa, I've never heard the B-word said so much in one speech, much less a sentence! LOL

Author's Response: Well, it was a rather long sentence! ;-)

(I had a friend tell me she thought that must be some sort of record. Hee!)

Reviewer: pottermania Signed Date: 2008.01.30 - 05:07AM Title: The F Word


Ah, the future is bright!

Author's Response: I think so! Thanks!

Reviewer: sark Signed Date: 2008.01.30 - 02:54AM Title: The F Word


Held my attention and kept me entertained. Much appreciated!

Author's Response: As is your review. Thanks!

Reviewer: Enchantedgurls Signed Date: 2008.01.29 - 10:50PM Title: The F Word


LOL I really like that the F-word turned out to be future (unlike what most people thought, I'm sure). The ending was really good too. Nice work with this! :D

Author's Response: I must admit, I played with peoples' expectations with the title--naughty me! After "Fame", I had many, many reviews that basically ran along the lines of "Well, I can't wait to see what Ginny gives Harry, *nudge-nudge, wink-wink*" It's obvious that they'll get there eventually (three kids and all), but I knew that they had some more urgent issues to deal with!

Thanks so much!

Reviewer: jennyelf Signed Date: 2008.01.29 - 08:40PM Title: The F Word


excellent story! Love how those hope and dreams can come out and play now.

Author's Response: Thanks so much! Poor Harry hasn't had much play to this point, so it's wonderful that he finally gets to. ;-)

Reviewer: lingo Signed Date: 2008.01.29 - 06:11PM Title: The F Word


I'd read "Friends" and "Fame" and am so glad you've done a third chapter. The characters seem so real. Any chance of a sequel? More from you on the "pre-Epilogue" time period would be lovely.

Author's Response: Thanks so much! I had always meant to write this chapter, but RL has been a bit unrelenting of late. I don't know whether I'll get the chance to write another chapter or not, but I do have one or two ideas in mind. In any case, thanks for the encouragement and the lovely feedback!

Reviewer: SophiaMaria Signed Date: 2008.01.29 - 12:34PM Title: The F Word


This was simply beautiful. All three chapters. I love the speeches in chapter 2 - they were the most realistic and in character post-war speeches that I've read in fan fic. Harry was inarticulate as ever, but well spoken enough because Hermione helped him write the speech. And McGonogal was in character in her sternness and her pride for Harry. And the reunion and conversation between Harry and Ginny was nicely done - the passion, the anger, and angst, the hope. Though I think you hold the record for the number of times Ginny has ever said the word "bloody"! I'm so glad you finished the story.

Author's Response: Thank you so much! I'm glad that you enjoyed Harry's speech; it was one of the harder things I've written, because of the need to balance Harry's inarticulateness with the need for the speech to be compelling.

I do recognize that Ginny's use of the B word was... prodigious. I'm glad that that didn't detract too much from the story.

Oh, and to my own surprise, I'm writing another few episodes. I hope that you enjoy those too!

Reviewer: EvieMarie Signed Date: 2008.01.29 - 12:31PM Title: The F Word


This last chapter was so incredible and perfect. A lot of people always write Ginny being angry with Harry afterwards, but this is the first time I've loved it! You could tell she wasn't just angry, but heartbroken over everything. And you did a marvelous job keeping Harry.... well, Harry. Fantastic job! I hope there will be more to this fic! Thank you!

Author's Response: Thank YOU!

I feel as if Ginny has a number of things she has every right to be upset about, yet one of the things that JKR showed and told us about their relationship was that they really understood each other. And so I knew this had to be a chance for Ginny to say what she needed to say, and for Harry to listen... Even if he did giggle at the end. ;-)

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