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Reviews For Friends

Reviewer: Vitti9977 Signed Date: 2021.01.22 - 01:55PM Title: Friends


Hopes and dreams…That's still the role we get from Ginny's role in Harry's life in this fic.
Good points:
- Harry's nice bits about his relationship with Andromeda.
- Dean and Hermione discussing the legislation about Muggleborns’ rights in the future
- Harry's friendship with Luna
Not so good points:
- George's grief came a little too late
- Charlie's the one to inform Harry about Ginny's second part of his birthday gift... Why not Ginny herself?
- “Ginny executed the Yarmouth Yoyo to perfection several times” So, after Luna random narration of a Quidditch narration, Luna is a Quidditch expert now?
- Neville and Ginny kissed twice... Seriously?
- "Luna had talked to Harry for months about her relationship with Dean being strained" So… apparently Harry talked a lot more with Luna than with Ginny.
Overall, great fic for Harry/Luna friendship.

Reviewer: iKingBearII Signed Date: 2019.06.25 - 04:33AM Title: Friends


Firstly I love your take on Andromeda. She's definitely aristocratic and proud without being egotistical and haughty. A very good character and If we saw more of her in canon I would expect her to be this way.

I love Harry's reactions to everything and I think you've done remarkably well in keeping him in character.

As we discussed on the discord server, I'm usually not the type to read post-Hogwarts fics, but so far I'm glad you got me to read yours! Fantastic start.

Reviewer: Aragorn Signed Date: 2018.05.12 - 02:49PM Title: Friends

The site is asking for "HIDDEN GEMS" suggestions. I am going to recommend this one. Hopefully it will get some well-deserved traffic at some point.

IMO, this story utterly embodies that particular phrase...

Reviewer: ngayonatkailanman Signed Date: 2015.07.04 - 06:26AM Title: Friends


Love your Luna character

Reviewer: Aragorn Signed Date: 2010.10.07 - 05:00PM Title: Friends


I've read your stories off and on...don't know if I've really reviewed, but this is truly well done

...and what a beautiful culmination with Luna.

Thank you.

Reviewer: CassandraCross Signed Date: 2008.01.29 - 03:42PM Title: Friends


I love the way you've written Luna in this. Charlie too. He's often a badly neglected character, but you've drawn him exactly the way I always pictured him in my mind. Well done!

Author's Response: Thanks so much! Obviously, I love Luna, and Charlie has been one of my favorite "invisible" characters since the first book. I'm glad you enjoyed this.

Reviewer: hmrpotter Signed Date: 2007.09.16 - 10:06PM Title: Friends


Wow, this was a really sweet story...I've always liked the interaction between Luna and Harry and it's great to see a friendly moment between the two of them.

Author's Response: Sorry for taking so long to respond—and thanks. I love Luna, and love the way that she makes Harry look at the larger picture, and so when I wanted to close this bit on an up note, I knew just who to turn to. ;-)

There is, by the way, a new chapter to this fic.

Reviewer: ginnymychosen Signed Date: 2007.08.15 - 02:45PM Title: Friends


In case you've missed it, Dean and Luna has been bunked (JKR chat July 30, 2007). Is this a one-shot? I'd like to read the rest!

Author's Response: Well, just because she ends up with Newt Scaramander's great-great-etc-grandson doesn't mean she didn't spend time with Dean—or Neville, or anyone else! ;-)

And thank you—I hadn't planned on writing more to follow this fic, but I've already had a couple of bunnies bite, including the obvious one, so I'm hoping to have the story of that birthday present up in the next few weeks.

In any case, I'm glad that you enjoyed this!

Reviewer: hp4_source Signed Date: 2007.08.03 - 10:23PM Title: Friends


Very nicely done.

Author's Response: Thank you!

Reviewer: Penny Flamel Signed Date: 2007.08.03 - 04:19PM Title: Friends


very peaceful, beautiful calming, the sort of closure that was lacking in DH, made me ver happy...looked forward to more of your work..

Author's Response: Thank you so much! It's true—calm as the epilogue was, it didn't quite provide the sense of closure that I was looking for at the end of the book. I'm glad that you enjoyed this.

Reviewer: AnnieP Signed Date: 2007.08.02 - 02:55AM Title: Friends


Nice, but sad. I was so sad when they die in the book... But still Harry's present will be cheerfull I gues:D

Author's Response: One can only hope so! Yeah—the deaths in the book... I felt that the one thing that I didn't get between the last chapter and the epilogue that I'd have really loved would have been a chance to grieve the dead, and closure with Ginny. So I wrote it. ;-)

Reviewer: animegodess Signed Date: 2007.08.01 - 01:01PM Title: Friends



Author's Response: Thanks!

Reviewer: LilyLady Signed Date: 2007.08.01 - 08:55AM Title: Friends


This was really beautiful. Almost an "in between" epilogue of sorts. Good job.

Author's Response: Thank you so much! I felt as if two things were missing between the last chapter and the epilogue: a moment to mourn the dead, and a chance to see just how Harry and Ginny got back together. So I provided it. ;-)

Reviewer: Squirrly Donut Anonymous Date: 2007.08.01 - 08:54AM Title: Friends


Wow, um, that was great. I love how you did Remus and Tonks's funeral, and Luna was very in character.

Author's Response: Thanks so much! I really felt as if we needed a moment to grieve the dead, and to see how Harry started down the path that led to the epilogue... so I wrote it. ;-)

Reviewer: acciowand Signed Date: 2007.08.01 - 08:51AM Title: Friends


No Review

Reviewer: hms42 Signed Date: 2007.08.01 - 01:44AM Title: Friends


No Review

Reviewer: DQBunny Signed Date: 2007.08.01 - 01:42AM Title: Friends


I really like the angle that you took here. You shedded some much-needed spotlight on Charlie while still keeping the focus of the story on Harry and Ginny's relationship, as well as Harry's relationship to Tonks and Lupin. I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of Ginny's present, if that's in the future. :)

Author's Response: Thanks so much! It's interesting—a number of people have expressed an interest in seeing the scene where Ginny gives Harry the rest of his "present"! I hadn't intended to write that, but I think I might just have to. To keep the readers happy, you know! ;-)

I'm glad you enjoyed the bit with Charlie. I was glad that we got a chance to see him in DH, but wish (as with Ginny) that we'd seen more.

And yeah, Tonks and Remus.... I felt as if she didn't give us enough time to grieve at the end of the book... So I wrote this. ;-)

Reviewer: gryffindorchaser17 Signed Date: 2007.08.01 - 01:27AM Title: Friends


I like it. Hope there's more to come.

Author's Response: Thank you! I hadn't really intended to write more of this... but you are not the only person to ask, and I just might have to! ;-)

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