
SIYE Time:1:20 on 14th December 2024
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Reviews For Remembering Love

Reviewer: Abraxan Signed Date: 2009.01.07 - 11:33PM Title: Biscuit Talk


What a sweet chapter!! On to the next one!


Reviewer: Little Miss SciFi Anonymous Date: 2007.06.15 - 03:13PM Title: Biscuit Talk


I like it so far! hope to see more up soon!

Reviewer: Macsr71 Signed Date: 2007.06.15 - 11:28AM Title: Biscuit Talk


OK, this is a right lovely fluffy little story you have going but I thought it was her book, is she writing it from the third person perspective, or is she writing it as an autobiography?

If 3rd, then great – but if it is their, or her story, the story of how she became Mrs. Potter then shouldn’t it be more like: “I heard someone at the door, and opening it cautiously, saw Harry, dripping wet on the porch” or something like that?

Really nice and warm feelings radiating off this story though, please don’t take this the wrong way and stop, you have a nice romp going here.

Reviewer: HarryGinnyMustLiveOn Signed Date: 2007.06.15 - 03:53AM Title: Biscuit Talk


I love this story, can't wait to read more.

Reviewer: MandaEvelyn Signed Date: 2007.06.14 - 11:00PM Title: Biscuit Talk


This was a very sweet chapter. It seems that our favorite hero is finally coming around. Yay. You did a wonderful job with this chapter. I can't wait to read more. Please update soon. This story is very original. Bravo.

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