
SIYE Time:1:36 on 14th December 2024
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Reviews For Remembering Love

Reviewer: Abraxan Signed Date: 2009.01.07 - 08:47PM Title: Prologue


What a lovely beginning! Very sweet! I'm looking forward to seeing where you take this.


Reviewer: broomstickflyer Anonymous Date: 2007.06.14 - 08:53AM Title: Prologue


I sit awaiting what has started out as a very good read. I look forward to reading the rest of the story, so keep up the quality work you are doing. 10/10 for this one.

Reviewer: thisgrlrox Signed Date: 2007.06.11 - 10:48PM Title: Prologue


This was a very nice beginning. I'm looking forward to reading where you take it. Nice chapter!

Reviewer: Prof McGonagall Signed Date: 2007.06.11 - 10:42PM Title: Prologue


This is a new approach...and very promising! Just a tiny correction: Ginny only has 6 brothers, they are seven children all together...
Keep up the good work, I'm curious to see how you will proceed!

Reviewer: knightsbridge Signed Date: 2007.06.11 - 09:29PM Title: Prologue


I can't say much that hasn't already been know, things like "good, interesting premise..." and all that jazz. I think a book by Giiny about the man she has loved for all of her life is worth writing.


Reviewer: pigwidgeon Signed Date: 2007.06.11 - 08:26PM Title: Prologue


This is a very good start. I really liked the start of the book and I can't wait for more.

Reviewer: Katastrophe Signed Date: 2007.06.11 - 06:15PM Title: Prologue


Interesting beginning. I am looking forward to reading more. ~Michelle~

Reviewer: Digaboo210 Signed Date: 2007.06.11 - 04:50PM Title: Prologue


I hope that you add more this . I like the story line .

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