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Reviewer: aimless Signed Date: 2008.07.06 - 05:24PM Title: Agonies of a Penalty Shoot-Out

nice one :D

Reviewer: amc153 Anonymous Date: 2007.03.05 - 10:30PM Title: Agonies of a Penalty Shoot-Out

OMG...that was just what I did that day. Only thing I yelled a few not so nice words that would make a sailor blush. But the way Hermione acted with every one and during the game was me to a t. I made my American family watch football thinking it would be a good match, but ....well atleast Brazil lost to France later that day. Any who, Great fic even if it brought back very bad memories.

Reviewer: amc153 Anonymous Date: 2007.03.05 - 10:28PM Title: Agonies of a Penalty Shoot-Out


OMG...that was just what I did that day. Only thing I yelled a few not so nice words that would make a sailor blush. But the way Hermione acted with every one and during the game was me to a t. I made my American family watch football thinking it would be a good match, but ....well atleast Brazil lost to France later that day. Any who, Great fic even if it brought back very bad memories.

Reviewer: ginnyp_harryp Signed Date: 2006.08.25 - 06:28PM Title: Agonies of a Penalty Shoot-Out


No Review

Reviewer: Lady_Ancora Signed Date: 2006.07.07 - 03:26PM Title: Agonies of a Penalty Shoot-Out


a story about the championship is a great idea, really! Since I'm portuguese as well I agree with CruciareMors, that england played so well that we lost against France... Well football can be so cruel sometimes. Oh and Hermione as a fanatic was just hilarious.

Reviewer: addicted Anonymous Date: 2006.07.07 - 01:50PM Title: Agonies of a Penalty Shoot-Out


wicked idea and story we cud of soo dun itdis yr bluddy rooney better knock out ronaldo ! wicked idea bringin the 2 worlds together

Reviewer: CruciareMors Anonymous Date: 2006.07.07 - 01:33PM Title: Agonies of a Penalty Shoot-Out


I cackled like mad when I saw the title and summary. You'll understand why if you see my profile.
Still, England played well, that's something I have to admit. So well that you left us useless enough to succumb to the French ! Nothing against the country, just the national team.
And while I'm not naive enough to believe no one drinks during a game, I do believe Harry & company set a very bad example there, tsk, tsk!
Did you suffer that much? Because I did (except when the game was over, of course, lol)...

Author's Response: I suffered every minute, and not just during the game. In all the England games actually. I alao have nothing against Portugal as a nation, just the team, in particular Cristiano Ronaldo. I'd also like to give Frank Lampard a kick up the backside. The drinking was tame compared to what goes on here. That I can promise you. */~Fire~\*

Reviewer: harry 4Eyes Signed Date: 2006.07.07 - 04:49AM Title: Agonies of a Penalty Shoot-Out


I'm with you there mate, Another game where we were knocked out from Penalty shoot outs....I couldn't even watch...I switched off and saw the score on Yahoo instead.

I might be a ManU fan but i'll be booing Ronaldo first match this season. It was not a stomping, Rooney was dragged down, it was the players own fault he forced Rooney down and his thigh was just there. And Ronaldo...Hopefully he's sold this summer, he's the reason Rooney got sent off. His ManU teammate no less.

Well good story this, And Portugal is Out!!!! Shame France are in Final though....grrrr.


Author's Response: I'll be watching the third place game tonight and it'll be the first time in my life that I'll have ever cheered on a German. I just hope Rooney lets Ronaldo have it. I don't think I'd like to be on the wrong end of Rooney's fist. */~Fire~\*

Reviewer: Kate_AnguaPotter Signed Date: 2006.07.07 - 02:05AM Title: Agonies of a Penalty Shoot-Out


LOL. As a rather new football follower, I'm an Australian supporter (with an English boyfriend), you've nicely encapsulated the atmosphere in our house as we watched the match. And you've restrained yourself nicely, Ronaldo got raher a lot of abuse from our end. :oP I enjoyed this muchly.

And now I feel like a kick around.

Reviewer: Rogue28 Signed Date: 2006.07.06 - 09:58PM Title: Agonies of a Penalty Shoot-Out


You and I have a kindred spirit in this story. It is exactly how I felt when I watched the match. Thank you for an entertaining story.

Reviewer: yentila22 Signed Date: 2006.07.06 - 08:51PM Title: Agonies of a Penalty Shoot-Out


I enjoyed your story, I don't know much about soccer(?) but I enjoyed the characterizations.
I can't imagine them drinking anything but butterbeer or butterbeer extra. :)

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