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Reviews For Temporary Reprieve

Reviewer: hgromance Signed Date: 2010.10.22 - 04:37PM Title: Temporary Reprieve


oh what a sweet lovely moment.

Reviewer: DukeBrymin Signed Date: 2008.11.03 - 12:53PM Title: Temporary Reprieve


Very sweet--Deathly Hallows should have had you writing interstitial scenes.

Reviewer: Masters Signed Date: 2007.05.07 - 04:23AM Title: Temporary Reprieve


Good One...but!

Yes, there's always a but, isn't it? Anyway, what I couldn't digest is the fact that Hagrid fled. Hagrid is one of the bravest characters introduced in the series, & "Dumbledore's man through & through". He would never abscond from Hogwarts in a crisis.

I am aware that this is your plot, your story; & hence is yours to manipulate as desired. Still, I would like to know why you portayed ole' Rubeus as a wimp.

Reviewer: emily Anonymous Date: 2006.01.30 - 09:13PM Title: Temporary Reprieve


lovely story, cute ending as well.

Author's Response: Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Reviewer: EJAUS Signed Date: 2006.01.25 - 05:42PM Title: Temporary Reprieve


"I want you well-rested for your dentention tommorrow." It is worth reading for that line alone. I was eepecting a little more of the famous Weasley temper to show but I guess she is so relieved to see Harry that Ginny forgives him. Harry, the stupid stupid boy, should not get off that easy. I also am picturing Molly as Ginny just casually says "Ron says he's O.K." "What? When? How? Ginevra Molly Weasley What did jou just say?" I get the impression that many years ago, McGonngell may have done her sharte of sneaking out of the tower.

Author's Response: As always, Eric, thank you for that wonderfully positive review. I love the image of a young, wayward, Marauder-esque McGonagall. :-) And while Ginny is most certainly her mother's daughter, she is also her father's daughter, and I think she would understand that there are times when restraint is the wisest course of action.

Reviewer: Elementum Signed Date: 2006.01.24 - 10:50PM Title: Temporary Reprieve


Hehe, good ending! I liked it, just what I needed after a bad day. I came here looking for a cute and hopeful fanfiction...found one! All that characters were perfect, especially McGonagall. Heh, I don't think that woman will ever change.

Author's Response: Thanks! I'm glad to hear I was able to brighten your day. :-)

Reviewer: hp4_source Signed Date: 2006.01.24 - 10:27PM Title: Temporary Reprieve


A good, good one-shot. Enjoyed it very much.

Author's Response: Thanks!

Reviewer: lbfan Anonymous Date: 2006.01.24 - 10:12PM Title: Temporary Reprieve


This is the type of short stories, I like reading on a Fan Fiction website. You did a wonderful job pulling together the scenario and characters in a believable way, and it tied very well back into the story.

Author's Response: Thank you! I try very hard to make my stories seem both true to canon and to real-life situations. I'm so glad you enjoyed this.

Reviewer: destin4fl Anonymous Date: 2006.01.24 - 08:44PM Title: Temporary Reprieve


wow! that was so on target for all the characters its amazing!

Author's Response: Thank you!

Reviewer: star dust Anonymous Date: 2006.01.24 - 08:12PM Title: Temporary Reprieve


Oh that was so beautiful. Very romantic with the longing and everything. Haha, love the last bit, "I want you well-rested for your detention tomorrow." Great story and very well written. Is there going to be a sequel or anything? 'Cause that would be cool.

Author's Response: Thank you so much! I'm very pleased you enjoyed this, especially that bit at the end. Alas, I don't write sequels, so you'll have to use your imagination to decide what comes next. :-)

Reviewer: Antosha Signed Date: 2006.01.24 - 07:39PM Title: Temporary Reprieve


It's funny--when HBP came out, there was a flood of Ginny-convinces-Harry-to-let-her-go-with -him fics, basically negating everything that happened in the last chapter of the book. (I should know--I wrote a couple of these.) But in the past few months, there've been a few more fics along this line, and I think it makes infinitely more sense. In this case, it is also amazingly moving. You've done a wonderful, efficient job of portraying Ginny and Harry's relationship, and the impossibility of their position. At the same time, I love the relationships that Ginny has with her brother, and with Hermione. This is incredibly evocative and--as I said--moving, and yet written without any wasted effort. Lovely!

Author's Response: Heh. Lately I've been a rather loud campaigner against fics that try to sweep the break-up scene under the carpet, arguing that Ginny really didn't mean it when she went along with it. I think that's a defining moment in their relationship, and probably the best proof that there's hope for their long-term future -- Ginny knows there are more important things than her personal happiness, and Harry loves her for that. Plus, I'm a big fan of the Ginny as Penelope to Harry's Odysseus analogy. :-) Thanks for such a great, thoughtful review, Antosha.

Reviewer: Breanie Signed Date: 2006.01.24 - 07:32PM Title: Temporary Reprieve


wow that was good! i really liked it - u should write more

Author's Response: Thanks so much! I'm glad you enjoyed this.

Reviewer: Rant Signed Date: 2006.01.24 - 06:24PM Title: Temporary Reprieve


Very sweet and very sad; I always look for quality in your pieces and I always find it. Good job.

Author's Response: Wow, that was fast; I didn't expect to see this up for a week or so. :-) Thank you so much for your kind review. I'm very pleased to hear that you enjoyed this, as well as my writing in general.

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