SIYE Time:18:55 on 10th December 2024 SIYE Login: no | | |
Slander ’slan-der: a malicious, false, and defamatory statement or report [oral (spoken) form]:
Libel ’li-bel: defamation by written or printed words, pictures, or in any form other than by spoken words or gestures [publication (magazine, newspaper)]:
With a little, discrete help from some DA friends and their parents that work in the ministry, the trio got a few laws passed through the Wizengamot and signed by the Minister of Magic that went unnoticed. They are anti-slander and anti-libel laws. Then Harry retained the best wizard lawyers, barristers, and solicitors on the British Isles. Now, let’s see how the sparks fly…!
The Stone of Truth by Manwe Valarian [Reviews - 15]
*** Winner of Best Overall and Best Drama in The Sting Challenge ***
Cornelius Fudge doesn't admit to seeing Voldemort in the Atrium. He is afraid of losing his postition of minister of Magic if he admits to seeing Voldemort. To cover this up, he claims that Albus Dumbledore had used an illegal Curse on the people who admits to seeing the Dark Lord. With the help of the golden trio plus one the headmaster has a plan to reveal that Fudge is a liar.
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