
SIYE Time:17:28 on 1st December 2024
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Challenge Winner The Baby Tale by Kezzabear starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 84]
** Winner of Best Overall in the You’re Having My Baby Challenge **

A missive from St Mungo's has the whole family in a spin!
PG-13 - You're Having My Baby Challenge (2010-1), You're Having My Baby Challenge (2010-1) - Songfic - Warnings: Mild Sexual Situations - Words: 14432
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 4 - Published: 2010.02.12 - Updated: 2010.02.27 - Hits: 41178

A Different Kind Of Magic by babewithbrains starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 9]
Mr and Mrs Potter are finally back at work, after twelve (and in Ginny's case, thirteen) weeks of leave after their wedding. Ginny is feeling ill, but is it really food poisoning?

The warning is only for references, nothing graphic!
PG-13 - Post-DH/AB, You're Having My Baby Challenge (2010-1), You're Having My Baby Challenge (2010-1) - Drama, Fluff, General - Warnings: Mild Sexual Situations - Words: 4252
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2010.02.25 - Updated: 2010.02.27 - Hits: 8907

Quidditch and Surprises by deedeevee starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 8]
Harry receives some unexpected news about Ginny which means surprises are in store for both of them.
PG - You're Having My Baby Challenge (2010-1), You're Having My Baby Challenge (2010-1) - Fluff, Romance, Songfic - Warnings: Mild Sexual Situations - Words: 6267
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2010.02.26 - Updated: 2010.02.27 - Hits: 5897

The Greatest Gift of All by potterfan2008 starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 11]
Harry and Ginny celebrate the news they received from St. Mungo's.
PG-13 - You're Having My Baby Challenge (2010-1), You're Having My Baby Challenge (2010-1) - Fluff - Warnings: None - Words: 2826
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2010.02.25 - Updated: 2010.02.26 - Hits: 6270

A Walk to Life by st122 starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 24]
When Harry goes to Hogwarts to protect the school, his life changes in more than one way.
PG-13 - You're Having My Baby Challenge (2010-1), You're Having My Baby Challenge (2010-1) - General, Humor, Romance - Warnings: Sexual Situations - Words: 8692
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2010.02.24 - Updated: 2010.02.24 - Hits: 10262

Unforgettable by ronsforever starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 6]
Harry receives news that Ginny is going to have a baby and plots the perfect way to tell her.. The answer comes to him in a dream, but all does not go as planned.
G - You're Having My Baby Challenge (2010-1), You're Having My Baby Challenge (2010-1) - Action/Adventure, Drama, Humor, Romance, Songfic - Warnings: None - Words: 4882
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2010.02.21 - Updated: 2010.02.23 - Hits: 5956

It Takes Two (a duet) by Northumbrian starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 20]
** Winner of Best Husband & Wife Discussion and Most Celebrated in the You’re Having My Baby Challenge **

A typical day in the lives of Mr and Mrs H J Potter suddenly becomes far from typical when Harry makes a chance discovery.
PG-13 - Post-DH/PM, Post-Hogwarts, You're Having My Baby Challenge (2010-1), You're Having My Baby Challenge (2010-1) - Action/Adventure, Romance, Songfic - Warnings: Mild Language, Mild Sexual Situations - Words: 7084
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2010.02.23 - Updated: 2010.02.23 - Hits: 13007

Unexpected News by ginnyweasley777 starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 7]
Due to a mix up at St Mungo’s, Harry receives some unexpected news at work and plans to surprise his wife.
PG - You're Having My Baby Challenge (2010-1), You're Having My Baby Challenge (2010-1) - Fluff, General, Romance, Songfic - Warnings: None - Words: 1634
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2010.02.20 - Updated: 2010.02.22 - Hits: 6606

Challenge Winner His Name is James by redandraven starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 22]
** Winner of Best Romance in the You’re Having My Baby Challenge **

Harry and Ginny find out that a new arrival is on its way.
PG-13 - Post-Hogwarts, You're Having My Baby Challenge (2010-1), You're Having My Baby Challenge (2010-1) - Comedy, Drama, Fluff, General, Romance, Songfic - Warnings: Mild Sexual Situations - Words: 5672
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2010.02.17 - Updated: 2010.02.19 - Hits: 10279

Booty Call by Quidditchmum starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 28]
A mix-up at St. Mungo's presents Harry with the opportunity to spring the mother of all surprises on his wife.
PG-13 - You're Having My Baby Challenge (2010-1), You're Having My Baby Challenge (2010-1) - Humor, Romance - Warnings: Mild Sexual Situations - Words: 5510
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2010.02.08 - Updated: 2010.02.08 - Hits: 9067

You're Having My Baby Challenge (2010-1) by Sir Ollivander starstarhalf-star [Reviews - 0]
You're Having My Baby Challenge (2010-1)
G - You're Having My Baby Challenge (2010-1), You're Having My Baby Challenge (2010-1) - None - Warnings: None - Words: 42
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2009.09.19 - Updated: 2009.09.19 - Hits: 5768

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