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Quicksand Sparks
By Nilhenwen

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Category: Post-OotP
Characters:Harry/Ginny, Ron Weasley, Sirius Black
Genres: Angst, Fluff, Humor
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Story is Complete
Rating: PG
Reviews: 13
Summary: Harry arrives at the Burrow to a pit of quiksand and a new found love. This is an improved version of this story, I think its alot better.
Hitcount: Story Total: 4624


The bold in the story are quotes I took directly from the books, credit those to JKR.

Quicksand Sparks

Harry Potter woke, scar searing. But it wasn’t his scar that woke him from his slumber; he was used to the pain by now. Ever since the night at the Ministry, when Voldemort revealed himself, Harry’s scar had been hurting almost constantly. No, it was something else that had awakened him. Harry lay there with his eyes closed for a while, trying to remember what had aroused him. . It was only when he heard a dog bark that he realized what it was. Tears pricked the corners of his eyes as he recalled the dream.

Harry and Sirius were walking together in the tunnel to the Shrieking Shack with an unconscious Snape floating in front of them.

“You know what this means?” Black said abruptly to Harry as they make their slow progress along the tunnel. “Turning Pettigrew in?”

“You’re free,” said Harry.

“Yes…,” said Black. “But I’m also–I don’t know if anyone ever told you–I’m your godfather.”

Suddenly Harry was in the Gryffindor common room talking to Sirius’ head in the fireplace.

“Sirius–how’re you doing?” …

“Never mind me, how are you?” said Sirius seriously.
Harry saw himself telling Sirius all about the troubles that had come with being a Tri-wizard champion.

He was in the Ministry, battling the Death Eaters in the courtroom with the red veil. Sirius fell towards the veil, but
Harry woke up before he could reach it. By now the tears were streaming down his face. Occlumency may be able to block out Voldemort’s nightmares, but it couldn’t block out his grief.

Harry buried his head under his pillow, trying to calm himself. He tried everything, from reminding himself that he would turn 16 in 20 days to telling himself that he was leaving for the Burrow in the morning. Nothing worked, he continued to sob. Harry knew he needed to calm down, but nothing was working. If he kept up like this, the Dursleys would wake up and badger him about crying. He didn’t want to give Dudley anymore reason to tease him, he especially wouldn’t be able to withstand teasing about this. Harry was determined to stop crying.

As he cast his thoughts around, trying to find something to console him, he came up with a memory of Ginny flying. Harry grinned, he knew Ginny was off limits and over him, but he couldn’t help but admire from afar. Soon he found his breathing was regular again and his cheeks were dry. He wondered why he had suddenly taken to Ginny like this. He had been with her for four years but it wasn’t until now, after the initial shock of Sirius’ death wore off and after she had gotten over him that he had taken to her. Now, after there was no hope, he liked her. Now, when there was nothing he could do but watch on the sidelines as she dated other guys, now, when he was out of the picture. Soon, however, he felt himself drifting off to sleep and didn’t think on it anymore.
* * *

“Ge t up! Now! They’ll be here soon!” Aunt Petunia yelled. “And thank God for that, I don’t want him in our house any longer,” she added to Uncle Vernon.

“I quite agree Petunia, in fact, I couldn’t be happier,” Uncle Vernon replied.

Harry appeared in the kitchen bleary eyed and tired. He had been up much of last night thinking about Sirius and Ginny. He grimaced at the thought of the latter, he had been such a thick-headed git about the whole thing.

“Is everything packed and ready?” Aunt Petunia demanded.

“Yes, Aunt Petunia, is the fire place open?” Harry countered

“Yes, now be quiet and eat your breakfast,” barked Aunt Petunia.

Harry looked down at his plate and almost gasped in surprise. In front of him were five pancakes, an egg, and some bacon. Harry quickly realized that this was because if the Weasleys arrived while he was eating, the Dursleys didn’t want to be criticized. It turned out to be good planning on their part for the Weasleys could be heard arriving in the living room as Harry took his first bite.

“You stay here, boy,” Uncle Vernon instructed Harry.

“Why?” protested Harry.

“So I can great our guests as I see fit,” explained Uncle Vernon.

Harry could tell there was no point in arguing so he let Uncle Vernon greet the Weasleys alone. He could faintly make out Uncle Vernon informing the Weasleys that Harry was finishing his breakfast and would be out shortly. Harry grimaced for the second time this morning, not only was Uncle Vernon using Harry’s lateness to make him look good, but he was late to leave for the Burrow. Mr. Weasley replied, but Harry could not make out the words. Soon Harry heard footsteps heading upstairs and realized that Ron must be going to get his trunk. Harry was dismayed. He didn’t want Ron to take care of his trunk without assistance, but if he left the kitchen without finishing the breakfast Uncle Vernon would skin him alive. Harry realized that the only option he had was to bolt down his unusually large breakfast, Harry quickly formulated a plan of attack and dug in. He was so busy shoveling pancakes into his mouth that Harry didn’t realize that anyone had entered the kitchen, let alone the girl he liked.

“I see you had to surface for air,” joked Ginny as Harry took a drink of his orange juice, which he nearly choked on.

“Oh, hi Ginny, didn’t hear you come in,” Harry managed to squeak out. Thankfully, Ginny seemed not to notice his embarrassment.

“Of course you didn’t, you were too busy chewing an entire pancake to hear anything else!” Ginny teased.

“I guess I am eating a little fast,” Harry admitted sheepishly. “I suppose I just want to get out of this place so fast I lost all my manners.” With that Harry stood up and cleared his plate, he only had to throw away one pancake. “If you don’t mind I’m going to help Ron with my trunk.” Harry bolted from the kitchen, which was beginning to seem rather stuffy, leaving Ginny to her thoughts.

It just so happened that Ginny had not really gotten over her crush on Harry. In fact, she had just given up on it, Harry obviously didn’t feel for her how she felt for him. She had just told herself she was over him so that she could open up to other boys. As it turned out, the boys of Hogwarts had welcomed her grandly. First, it was Michael Corner, but that just didn’t work out. Then Dean Thomas, who had recently dumped her for some Muggle he had met over the holidays. Not that she minded, she hadn’t been very fond of the situation anyway. Now she was boyfriend-less and she let her heart go to Harry yet again. Seeing him today only encouraged the pointless crush. Or at least, what she thought was a pointless crush.

Harry barged into the kitchen, fuming. “I really do hate these people, even if they are my relatives,” Harry said in a poisonous voice.

Ginny was too startled by the sudden appearance of the boy she had been pondering about to say anything in response. In fact, she reverted to her tactic she had used the summer before her first year. She knocked over the glass sitting next to her elbow. As she bent down to pick up the broken glass she grimaced, why did she have to be so nutty around him? As she was about to pick up the first shard, she felt a hand push her hand away.

“Don’t worry about it Ginny, I have to clean this whole kitchen before I can leave anyway. Go back to the living room and make fun of Dudley for me, will you? Goodness knows he deserves it!” Harry was quite proud of the fact he was still able to joke around with her, despite his uncovered feelings about her.

* * *

When Harry stepped out of the fireplace at the Burrow he stepped, not onto hard floor, but onto some sand. He could hear Fred and George’s laughter as he attempted to pull his feet out. He realized very quickly that it was quicksand and he was sinking rapidly. Soon Ginny ended up in the sand next to him. They worked together and got themselves out. Harry got under Ginny and boosted her out onto firm ground; Ginny then turned around and pulled him out. They stood there for a second, still holding hands, neither wanting to let go, their gazes locked. Harry felt himself take a step towards her, but suddenly the twins stopped laughing and Harry realized how foolish he was being. Ginny must have realized the same thing for she dropped his hands as he broke their eye contact. They were both in their own fantasy world about being with the person across from them, and both believed it impossible. Harry and Ginny were both too shocked and embarrassed to say anything in an awkward pause. Soon, however, the silence was broken by the arrival of Ron with Harry’s trunk.

“What the hell?!” Ron cursed as he started sinking. Harry quickly rushed to Ron’s aid as Ginny grabbed Harry’s trunk. When Ron was back on firm, un-sinking ground Ginny handed Harry his trunk. Harry brushed his hand against hers as he grabbed the trunk. Their gazes locked again, only this time it wasn’t awkward. This time they both welcomed the other’s gaze more warmly than ever before, for both felt that there may be a minuscule bit of hope for making their fantasies come true. Harry smoothly grabbed Ginny’s hand that was resting beside his and he felt her moving closer. As he started to bend down, having lost sense of his surroundings, Mr. Weasley fell into the quicksand. Harry straightened up quickly, dropping Ginny’s hand.

“You ruined it, dad!” exclaimed Ron. Ginny shot him a look that shut him up, despite Mr. Weasley wanting to know what he ruined. Harry just looked at Ron in shock. He could have sworn Ron would destroy him if Harry got near Ginny, and here he was encouraging it. Harry’s musing was interrupted by Mr. Weasley, yet again.

“Fred! George! You had better help me out!” yelled Mr. Weasley.

“George, I think our new invention’s a hit!” declared Fred.

“I think you’re right,” replied George, and with that, they tugged Mr. Weasley out of the sand and returned the floor to normal.

* * *

Ginny woke with a start. It took her a second to orient herself, but soon she was listening intently to figure out what had awakened her. There it was again, a muffled but distinct sob coming from Percy’s old room, the room that Harry was occupying. She realized that Harry must be crying and there was no question why. Sirius.

Ginny slid quietly out of her bed and tip-toed down the stairs to the next landing. The door to Harry’s room was cracked slightly and through it came the muffled cries of Harry. Ginny stood there, looking at the door, debating whether or not to go in. yes, I should comfort the man I love; no, he doesn’t love me back, it would be awkward. Ah, but today he demonstrated that he did at least like me a little. But I don’t know for sure. So? I’ll just comfort him and that’ll be all With that she pushed open the door and went in.

“Harry?” she whispered, “you okay?”

“Yes,” Harry lied, then caught himself, “I mean no. Oh and sorry.”

“Sorry for what?”

“Waking you up.”

“You didn’t wake me up, don’t worry,” Ginny lied, to comfort him. She crossed the room and sat on his bed. Harry welcomed her presence and scooted closer to her warmth.

“It’s just, I keep dreaming of Sirius,” Harry continued. “Then I wake up sobbing, most of the time I can stop, but this time…,” his voice faltered. He looked up and saw Ginny gazing down at him with love in her eyes. His heart melted, for the first time he realized how deeply he loved her. His breathing regulated itself and he stopped crying. He made eye contact and didn’t break away. She scooted closer to him, feeling his need. She draped her arm around his shoulder and held him as he pulled her closer. It felt good to be held. Ginny leaned down, holding him tighter in her arms, and bringing her face close to his. She could feel his breath on her lips, she thought she was in a dream. Suddenly, they heard a noise downstairs and Ginny jumped up.

“Sorry Harry, but I had better get back to my bed, mum freaks out whenever she finds it empty! So sorry!” With that, Ginny darted out of the room, leaving a much comforted Harry in her wake.

* * *

The days passed quickly, and with each passing day, Harry and Ginny grew closer. They shared stories with each other, some private, others not. They shared an experience that no one else could imagine, except perhaps Ron, who was in the Chamber. As they got closer, the atmosphere around them seemed to change. Maybe it was Harry’s imagination, but every time they walked into a room together, everyone broke out in grins. Harry wasn’t sure what this meant, but he knew it couldn’t be a bad thing. Before he knew it, he was turning sixteen.

The morning of Harry’s sixteenth birthday, he awoke feeling happier than ever. He still had nightmares about Sirius, but they weren’t as common and almost every time he had one, Ginny would be there to comfort him. This past night had been one such night; only this time was different.

“Harry?” Ginny whispered into the dark.

“Hey Gin, sorry again,” replied Harry.

“Oh, don’t worry about it, you didn’--,” before Ginny could finish her sentence Harry cut her off.

“Yes, I did, I know I woke you up. I know you don’t just happen to be walking by for a drink of water every time I am crying,” Harry said in a joking manner.

“Oh, you don’t think so, Mr. Smarty Pants?”

“No I don’t, it’s too much of a coincidence.”

“You like these midnight meetings, then Mr. Potter,” Ginny inquired, in a disbelieving tone.

“Harry had noticed the tone in which her question was posed and he realized that there was no more delaying the truth. Or so he thought. There was a loud noise from the kitchen and Ginny jumped up and left. Harry knew why, Ginny didn’t want to be caught out of bed.

Thinking back on the previous night’s encounter Harry frowned. He hadn’t gotten to answer her question, which deeply bothered him. I need to let her know how I feel about her, before its to late. I don’t want to lose her again. With that, Harry threw on some clothes and made his way to her room.

“Ginny, you awake?” Harry asked, tentatively.

“How could I not be, with all the noise you made coming up here?” Ginny joked.

“Oh, that’s right, you wake up at every little noise, I’m sorry for waking you,” Harry said in a playful manner.

“That reminds me, you never answered my question,” Ginny prompted.

“And that is exactly why I came up here,” Harry declared.

“Oh, really?”

“Yes, it is. I wanted to let you know my answer as soon as possible, and without other people around,” Harry began. Ginny fell silent, sensing his need to say this in one go and without interruptions. Harry went over to her bed and sat down. “I wanted to let you know,” he paused, taking a deep breath, “that I do enjoy those midnight meetings. And you know why Ginny? Not because I enjoy the comfort, which I do, but because of you.”

“Me?” Ginny questioned, in a quite, surprised voice.

“Yes, Ginny, you. As we’ve grown closer I realized that not only do I like you as a friend,” Harry paused, looking for the right words and scooting a fraction of an inch closer, “but I like you in a different way. A way I have never really felt about anyone else. It isn’t just a crush Ginny. I love you, and not the way your brothers do.” With that, Harry hugged her and expected to leave, without much trouble. The problem was, Ginny held him tight, not letting go. For her, it was almost too good to be true. Their gazes met and Harry pulled her in closer, so close that he could feel her breath on his lips. He closed his eyes and moved a little closer, just a bit, and Ginny closed the distance. Their lips met in a kiss that wasn’t passionate or long, but it was enough. It was enough for them to know they loved each other. They gave each other one quick squeeze and walked down the stairs together.

A/N: This is my first try at a fic, so please be critical and tell me how to make it better, I’ve already taken to heart some of the reveiws and this is my “new and improved Quicksand Sparks” I hope you liked it! Thanks to Professor Scroll for helping me out!Oh, and one of my siblings wanted me to tell you guys to read their fic Harry Potter and the Dark Lord. Thier penname is Balecirithiel

Reviews 13

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