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The World As We Knew It
By ginnyp0tter

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Category: Alternate Universe
Characters:Harry/Ginny, James Potter, Lily Potter, Remus Lupin, Severus Snape, Sirius Black
Genres: Action/Adventure
Warnings: Death
Story is Complete
Rating: PG-13
Reviews: 309
Summary: Destroy the Horcruxes—that’s Harry’s goal, until an Aperio throws him and two other unknown people into a world where the prophecy never existed, his parents and Sirius are alive, and Ginny went to Azkaban for opening the Chamber. Canon pairings, pre DH.
Hitcount: Story Total: 150291; Chapter Total: 4380

Author's Notes:
OK, i really loved writing this chapter. It's one of my favorites... as well as the next one--get set for one heck of a shouting scene next time! And, the revealing of A.Y.
The real action begins in two chapters, so buckle your seatbelts for the ride...
Oh, and please review!


Harry made it to his Transfiguration class just in the nick of time. What he forgot to bring was his essay due that day.

Harry’s face felt like it was on fire as Clark berated him for his forgetfulness, making many unfair accusations against Gryffindors in general, then taking away twenty house points.

It could’ve been worse, but Harry had to endure the glares of his classmates all through the lesson. By now the Gryffindors all knew that if they forgot to do an assignment, it was better just not to show up for class. Clark never said anything if Slytherins made mistakes, but if a Gryffindor did, well, all hell broke loose.

He was feeling quite depressed as he slipped into the seat next to Leila in the Great Hall for lunch. She looked up. “Hi, Harry,” Leila said, though her mouth was full of mashed potatoes.

“Hey,” he said dejectedly.

“What’s the matter?”

“I got to class on time, but Clark took twenty points away because I forgot my essay, and she assigned me extra homework!”

“I’m sorry,” she said sympathetically. “It was your fault, though.”

“Sirius’s fault,” he corrected. “I didn’t know he was going to take me all the ways to Hogsmeade.”

“You went to Hogsmeade?” Jeremy suddenly said from across the table. “How?”

“Sirius took me,” Harry explained. “Keep it down!”

Jeremy lowered his voice. “Wicked. Did you go to the Hog’s Head?”

Harry started to reply, but Leila cut in. “Yeah, and Harry got drunk on Firewhisky!”

“Are you serious? Ohhhh… that’s why you slept in this morning, Harry.”

Harry glared at his sister. “You just had to tell him, didn’t you?”

“And he had a whopper hangover this morning,” Leila continued, ignoring him.

“Cool!” Jeremy said, grinning and looking as if he’d have done anything for a chance to sneak off to Hogsmeade and drink Firewhisky in the middle of the night. “So,” the darker boy said, leaning closer and lowering his voice. “Have you thought about a way to get back at Ron yet?”

Harry smacked his head. “I completely forgot! Too much else going on, I suppose.”

Jeremy looked disappointed. “We’ve got to think of something, mate.”

“I know, I know. Listen, give me a couple days and I may have something.”

Jeremy didn’t look pleased, but he agreed.

As soon as Defence Against the Dark Arts class let out, Harry hurried to the Owlery to send a note to Fred and George. His short letter explained his need to get back at Ron for the Love Potions, and beseeched the twins to send him any good ideas they had for pranks. The reply was almost immediate.

We’d love to help you get revenge on Ickle-Ronnikins. That has been our fondest dream and most precious hope…

Cut the crap, George
, Fred wrote. Just tell him what to do.

We’ll be sending you a package by owl full of, uh, goodies
, George scrawled. Some of our own inventions are in there. We’ll include instructions for the…er, items.

It will be quite a large package,
Fred continued. We won’t send it with the morning post; we’ll borrow Percy’s owl instead. The owl should arrive tomorrow night around eight, so make sure you’re in a place where no one important sees the package and gets suspicious, A.K.A., don’t go hanging around Filch or McGonagall tomorrow night…

And it’s all free of charge
, George cut in. As long as you promise to send us a full written report of what you did and how Ron reacted. Anytime you need our help, just holler!

Harry grinned and tucked the letter away into a safe place. Tomorrow night, the fun would begin.

Eight o’clock found Harry ascending the stairs to the Owlery again. He had decided that the tower would be the best place to pick up the package; if he waited in the dorm or the Common Room, Ron might be there and recognize the owl that brought Harry the box.

Only a few minutes later, the brown screech owl soared into the Owlery. “Hey, Hermes,” Harry said softly. The owl dropped her package, then hooted and gave Harry a disdainful look before soaring back into the evening.

The box she had left was large, and Harry couldn’t help feeling excited. What kind of evil prank devices had the twins thought up in this world? He wanted to rip into the box right now, but knew that someone could walk in any minute. So he restrained himself, and carrying the box carefully, headed down the stairs.

The Owlery was located at the top of the West Tower; the entrance to the stairway below was at the end of a long corridor that looped around the seventh floor and connected with the Gryffindor Portrait hole. Harry hurried down the steps, lugging the box along. He was halfway to the Common Room when he heard someone running in his direction. Harry would’ve hidden–if he hadn’t suddenly ran smack into Leila.

“What are you doing here?” he exclaimed as he picked himself off the floor. Harry had taken the blunt of the fall, partly because Leila had landed on top of him, and partly because he’d been trying desperately not to hurt the package. Only Merlin knew what Fred and George could have put in there.

“Nothing!” she said unconvincingly. “What are you doing at the Owlry?”

“Nothing,” Harry replied back.

She looked him over suspiciously, her eyes falling upon the box Harry was holding defensively.

“Whatever’s in that box, I hope it’s not illegal,” Leila said, her lips pursed.


“’Cause Filch is headed this way, idiot! Why do you think I was running?”

“Why were you running from Filch?” Harry asked, frowning. Then what she’d said registered. “He is? Now?”

“Yeah. He’s right around that corner. What’s in the box, anyway…”

But Harry had seized her arm and was dragging her down the corridor.

“Harry!” Leila gasped, trying to keep up. “You’re headed right toward him!”

Harry stopped in front of a long expanse of blank wall and began to pace.

Leila looked completely nonplussed. “Holy Mother of Merlin… Have you gone mad? Filch will be here any moment!”

Harry ignored her and concentrated on the task at hand. A second later, door had appeared in the wall.

“Wicked!” Leila said, awestruck, but Harry grabbed her and pulled her in.

Harry was pleased to find that he’d ended up in the same place as he had when he’d been trying to hide his Potions book. The room was as high as a cathedral, with large windows on either side. A city of junk, boxes, furniture, and other items rose above them.

“Where are we?” Leila asked in a whisper.

“The Room of Requirement,” Harry explained. “Come on, let’s go this way.”

He led the way down the centre aisle. “It’s a room that becomes whatever you need,” he continued as they walked. “All you have to do is walk back and forth in front of it three times and think really hard about what you need. I discovered it in my fifth year when my friends and I formed the DA.”

“Anything you need?” Leila asked, looking around at the piles of broken furniture, books covered in graffiti, banned joke items, and sinister weapons.

Harry nodded. “In my sixth year, it became a room to hide my Potions book. That’s where I got the idea. We can hide the joke stuff here until it’s safe to smuggle it back into the dorm. Ah, here we are.”

He stopped in front of the large cupboard with the blistered surface, and pulled the door open.

“Eww,” Leila said, wrinkling her nose as she caught a glimpse of the five-legged skeleton, but Harry was only half listening. He shoved the box inside and closed the doors again.

“Now no one will be able to find it,” he said with a satisfied smile. “Let’s get out of here.”

“I want to look around,” Leila protested.

“The stuff in here could be dangerous,” Harry said. “OK, most of it’s dangerous,” he clarified, looking warily at some bottles filled with blood-red liquid, a stuffed bear’s head that was snapping viciously at him, and a couple Fanged Frisbees.

“But Harry…”

“No! We’re leaving!”

“Filch is still out there,” Leila pointed out, and Harry’s hand immediately went to the inside pocket of his robe. With a sinking feeling, he realized that he’d left the Marauders’ Map in the dormitory.

“We’ve got to wait for Filch to leave anyway,” Leila said slyly. “A little peek wouldn’t hurt anything, would it?”

“It’s dangerous! I’m going back to wait by the door.”

“Fine, then! Be a prat!” Leila shouted. “You’re stupid, that’s what. You’ll take risks with Sirius, but not when I’m around!”

Harry turned on his heel and marched away, trying to ignore her raging. Suddenly something caught his eye…something silvery and white…

“Loathsome, fowl, evil, stuck-up git!” Leila continued. “Mean, despicable, arrogant… Bloody hell, Harry, I’m yelling at you! At least listen to me while I’m yelling at you!”

But Harry hardly heard her. He was staring, open-mouthed, at an old, tarnished tiara.

“Leila, do you see what I see?” he asked quietly.

She turned, and looked. And her mouth almost hit the floor. “Harry… is that… Is that what I think it is?”

Harry nodded. “I think we’ve just found another Horcrux.”

A half hour later, Moody, McGonagall, Sirius, Harry, and Leila were all crowded around the tiara. Moody’s wand was out, and he was performing the necessary diagnostic spells.

“Is it a Horcrux?” Leila asked eagerly. She had stayed in the Room of Requirement to make sure that when Harry arrived back with the Order members, the door would still be there.

Moody nodded. “I believe so. The diagnostics are show it’s covered with dark magic.”

But Sirius’s eyes had narrowed. He was eying Leila suspiciously. “How’d you know about the Horcruxes?”

Leila and Harry immediately went red. “I…er…Well, you see…” Leila stumbled. Harry looked frantically at McGonagall and Moody, begging them with his eyes to intervene. She was the first to know! I’m sorry! Help me!

McGonagall coughed. “I’m sure it’s only natural for Harry to confide in his sister, Sirius,” she said quickly.

“Leila’s trustworthy, so frankly, I’m not concerned that she knows of Order business,” Moody growled.

Sirius still looked unconvinced, but fortunately, he let it go. “So, how’re we going to get it to Regulus?” he asked.

“I’ll levitate it into a metal box,” Moody explained. “I don’t think it’s dangerous to touch, but we can’t be too sure.”

Moody fumbled around in his coat for a moment before extracting a box. He set about the task with McGonagall watching carefully. “What I don’t understand,” she finally said, “is why the Horcrux is here, of all places! I doubt even Voldemort knew of this room. I certainly didn’t know, and to my knowledge, none of the other staff know either. It’s not exactly the ideal place to hide a bit of one’s soul, is it? Not up to his usual standards.”

“Someone must have moved the Horcrux here,” Harry said quietly.

She frowned. “Yes, that is the only solution that makes sense, but who?”

He shrugged. At that moment, Moody grunted. “I’ve found something else,” he informed them, stowing the boxed Horcrux safely away in his pocket and holding up a scrap of paper. “This was beneath the Horcrux.”

Harry groaned. “Not another note…”

“Please, read it, Alastor,” McGonagall invited.

To Whom It May Concern:

Please immediately destroy the tiara to which this letter refers. The tiara is a dark object that can cause great harm if left intact.
(Sirius snorted. “Dark object, indeed…”) I know what it is, and I know what it can do, but I do not know how to destroy it, or I would have done the task myself.

I have brought the Horcrux to Hogwarts, because it was the only place I ever called home, and here resides the only man the Dark Lord ever feared. I pray that it will be discovered by the right person, and the task completed.

I know that I will die soon, but I do not fear death, even at the cruel hands of my husband and his so-called friends. They will be coming for me soon, and I shall await my fate with my head held high. I die satisfied, because I know that my life has not been in vain. Too long I have lived in the shadows, listening to the Pureblood lies, and bowing to the Dark Lord’s every whim. But I serve him no longer. Someday, someone will arise to defeat the Dark Lord, and hopefully my actions have smoothed their path a little. My only wish that one day my only son will make the same decision I have made, and at the crossroads of his life, he will take the path to the Light.


They stood in silence, contemplating the letter. “We have a few clues as to who she is,” said Moody, scrutinizing the letter. “A wife of someone who served Voldemort, probably Pureblooded, has one son, initials, A.Y.”

“A.Y. may not even be her real initials,” McGonagall sighed. “Y may have stood for her maiden name.”

“Do you think her husband was a Death Eater?” Harry asked.

“Most likely,” Moody said.

“But if not,” Sirius cut in, “there are hundreds of possibilities. There are so many Purebloods in England, most of which were loyal to Voldemort, it’d be impossible to track one with the initials A.Y. down. Especially one who lived years ago.”

“How d’you know she wrote this note years ago? It could’ve been recently,” Leila put in.

“She mentioned Dumbledore,” Sirius said simply. “I can only guess that this took place before Voldemort fell.”

“At least we’ve found the Horcrux for this one,” McGonagall said fairly.

Harry rolled his eyes. “Like the fact that we are in possession of the Horcrux will stop you, or my mum, or Felicia from searching for A.Y.”

McGonagall’s eyebrows shot up. “It never hurts to know,” she said defensively.

“Curiosity killed the cat, Professor,” Harry muttered, than realised what he’d said. McGonagall fixed him with one of her coldest glares that made a Dementor look positively cheerful, Sirius and Leila doubled over in laughter, and Moody cleared his throat several times.

“Sorry…didn’t mean it that way…” Harry sputtered, trying to suppress his own laughs. He suddenly wondered, albeit strangely, if Sirius had ever chased McGonagall while they were in their Animagus forms. This made him want to laugh even more, so he shoved it into the back of his mind and made a mental note to tell Leila later–she’d think it was funny.

“Do you ever stop eating?” Leila said. She and Harry were at breakfast several days later, and fortunately she was addressing Jeremy instead of Harry.

“Why should I?” he said, though his words were barely distinguishable through a mouthful of blueberry muffin.

“Well, if you don’t stop soon, you’ll be as big as a whale,” she said primly. “Pass the salt.”

“Not to you, not after you’ve just insulted me!” Jeremy exclaimed. Harry was very glad his friend had remembered to swallow first.

“Fine. It’s not by you anyway. Harry?”

Harry passed her the salt, grinning at their playful banter. For two people who used to be going out, Leila and Jeremy certainly didn’t act the ways exes normally acted–hurt, betrayed, or bitter. But Harry was more occupied with watching Ron out of the corner of his eye. Though Jeremy continued his conversation with Leila, Harry knew his friend was taking subtle glances at the red-head.

Ron was laughing at something Lavender said, now he was eating his bacon, a Ravenclaw was passing and Ron was winking at her, he was reaching for his goblet of pumpkin juice…

Harry held his breath. Jeremy stopped what he was saying mid-sentence and stared as well.

Leila looked back and forth from Harry to Jeremy with a confused expression on her face. “What is up with you two?”

“Shhh!” Jeremy hissed. “I want to see this!”

Ron lifted his goblet and took a long draught. He set it back down. A Ravenclaw prefect walked by and asked Ron if he’d be in the library later. Ron turned, grinned, and said, “Do you want to snog me in the broom cupboard?”

The girl looked confused. “Ronald? What did you just ask me?”

Ron’s eyebrows furrowed. “Do you want to snog me in the broom cupboard?”

Harry and Jeremy dissolved into muffled laughs. Leila’s eyes widened. “No,” she breathed. “You didn’t…”

By now Terry Boot had come over. “Ron? Are you feeling alright?”

Ron looked angry. “Do you want to snog me in the broom cupboard?” he said, his face growing red.

Harry laughed again at the shocked expression on Terry’s face. Suddenly he felt a blow land on his arm.

“You prat!” Leila squealed. “You spiked his drink!”

“Actually, Jeremy did,” Harry said, grinning at her.

“Where’d you get the Repeating-Phrase Potion?” she said. “I know for a fact Slughorn doesn’t waste time brewing it, and it’s really complicated...”

Jeremy wiggled his eyebrows. “Ask us no questions, we’ll tell you no lies.”

Fortunately for Ron, and to Harry’s and Jeremy’s disappointment, it only took a few minutes for the Ravenclaws to figure out the problem. They told Ron not to say anything else, then dragged him off to the Hospital Wing for some counteracting potions. Ron went willingly, shooting glares at Jeremy and Harry over his shoulder.

“That was marvelous!” Jeremy exclaimed once Ron had left.

“Yeah,” Harry said, laughing.

Leila was still trying to look disapproving, but Harry could see the corners of her mouth were twitching.

“So, the Marauders strike again,” someone said jovially from behind Harry.

“Hey, Sirius,” Harry greeted his godfather.

“That wasn’t a bad prank,” Sirius continued. “James and I pulled that one on McGonagall in our fourth year.”

What?” Leila exclaimed. “What did she say?”

“She said, ‘I have on a pink thong,’ for the entire noon meal,” Sirius said. “Hey, Harry, I was wondering, d’you want to meet me at eight again tonight?”

“I’ve got Quidditch practice,” Harry said regretfully. “How about tomorrow night?”

“Done,” Sirius said, slapping Harry’s back. “I’ll see you there.”

The first Quidditch game was speeding closer. Despite being so busy, Harry was still able to find time to go on midnight adventures with Sirius. These opportunities, however, became farther and farther apart as November 11–the day of the Quidditch game–neared. The Quidditch team was now hogging the pitch whenever the Slytherins weren’t practicing. Besides that, with Christmas just around the corner, the professors were beginning to give out monstrous amounts of homework. On top of practices, homework, detentions, prefect duties, and nighttime strolls with his godfather, Harry was having to watch his back constantly.

Needless to say, Jeremy’s and Harry’s first retaliatory on Ron had been a smashing success, but now the three were involved in an all-out prank war. Harry and Jeremy had gone back to their dorm that night, congratulating themselves on their–or Fred’s and George’s–brilliance, only to find that their beds had been jinxed to feel like beds of nails as soon as they laid down.

It was no problem, really, because Harry just slipped Jeremy out of the Gryffindor tower under the Invisibility Cloak. The Room of Requirement provided two nice beds, and even decorated itself in Gryffindor colours for the boys. The tricky part turned out to be getting the jinxes removed. The next day, it took the combined efforts of Harry, Jeremy, Leila, Melissa, and Daphne Greengrass, who was particularly good at charms, before the beds were finally comfortable to lie on again.

The next day, Ron was plagued by singing valentines that were all signed by Milliscent Bulstrode, though the Slytherin girl swore up and down she’d never sent the notes.

“We’re fighting a loosing battle,” Harry said dejectedly as he and Jeremy walked back to the Gryffindor Common Room one evening. They’d just been to see Madam Pomphrey for the fourth time that week, having each grown six-inch long donkey ears. Harry had to admit–the Ravenclaws were creative. It had taken the school nurse over an hour to sort out exactly which hexes had been used to give Harry and Jeremy the ears.

“Yeah,” Jeremy said, kicking at an old set of armor as they passed by. “I mean, we’ve got Fred and George behind us, and they’re the most brilliant pranksters in the history of Hogwarts.” Harry disagreed, thinking of the Marauders, but he said nothing. “But Ron,” his friend continued, “he’s got the entire Ravenclaw house behind him!”

Harry sighed. He knew it was true; he had seen Ron surrounded by Terry Boot, Michael Corner, Mandy Brocklehurst, and the other seventh year Ravenclaws in the library, pouring over books and whispering excitedly, occasionally throwing sinister looks over at Harry and Jeremy.

But whether it had come from Harry’s rescuing Ginny from Azkaban, inviting Ron to be on the team, or the pretty impressive pranks Ron had endured, there was one thing different about Ron now that Harry really appreciated. Now, Ron was actually showing him respect. They didn’t talk much, but Ron never contradicted him at Quidditch practices, or even made sarcastic comments any more. Harry had a feeling that even the prank war was now just simply good fun. Ron never even seemed angry when he became the victim of Harry’s and Jeremy’s latest prank.

“Password?” the Fat Lady asked primly, interrupting Harry’s thoughts.

“Romance,” Jeremy said darkly, and the Fat Lady sighed dramatically, throwing one hand to her head in what she must have that looked like a damsel-in-distress pose. Harry just rolled his eyes. The Fat Lady had fallen n love a few weeks earlier with a knight three paintings over and one painting up. Since then, she had been a hopeless romantic and all the passwords had been related in some way to her latest fad.

Harry followed his friend into the Common Room. “Are you going to bed?” he asked when Jeremy headed for the stairs.

Jeremy turned, incredulous. “Are you joking? We’ve got Transfiguration and Potions tomorrow. And Darryl assigned twenty-two pages of translation. I’m just going upstairs to get my books.”

“I’ll join you,” Harry said, thinking he’d be lucky if he got his revising done before midnight.

Two hours later, the candles were burning low, and Harry had finished Transfiguration and was just starting on Potions. Leila still hadn’t come in, and he’d already checked with one of his sister’s dorm mates that she wasn’t in the dorm. “Merlin’s beard, where is she?” Harry muttered.

“Relax, mate, she can take care of herself,” Jeremy said, not looking up from the Runes translation he was labouring over.

“Easy for you to say! It’s not your sister who’s been sneaking out every night,” Harry shot back.

Jeremy grinned sheepishly. “Too right. But I’m sure she’ll be OK.”

Harry turned back to his homework, but he couldn’t get Leila off his mind. Where was she? What was she doing? What did she have to hide? Was she in danger? This wasn’t the first time she’d snuck off. In fact, almost every night they didn’t have Quidditch practice, Leila was missing from the Common Room; every night she claimed she’d been doing detention, or studying in the library, or talking to a teacher, or hanging out with Luna, but Harry knew he was missing something. How could he be sure she was safe?

Suddenly he remembered.

“I am such an idiot,” Harry muttered to himself as he bounded up the stairs to the seventh years’ dormitory. “Lumos,” he whispered, creeping along the beds, trying not to wake his dorm-mates. Harry quietly opened his trunk and fished around in it. Finally he found what he was looking for. Underneath the Invisibility Cloak, Azkaban book, and the letter to his Mum he’d found in the attic, he grasped the Marauders’ Map.

“I solemnly swear I am up to no good,” Harry panted, tapping the wand, once he’d reached the Common Room again. He threw the map on the table.

The lines appeared, and Jeremy and Harry leaned over it. “Don’t you think this is spying?” Jeremy asked skeptically.

“Nah, I’m just making sure she’s OK, that’s all,” Harry replied.

They searched the map, but to no avail. “She’s not on the map,” Jeremy declared.

“She has to be,” Harry insisted. “Look again!”

But Leila was no where to be seen.

“She must have gone to Hogsmeade,” Jeremy stated.

“Yeah,” Harry mumbled. But the question was still lingering on his mind: Why? What was his sister hiding?

By the time the two went to bed, Leila was still not back, nor had she showed up on the map.

“So, where do you want to go tonight?” Sirius asked.

“I don’t really care,” Harry said honestly. He and Sirius had met once again in the entry way.

Sirius cocked an eyebrow. “You don’t?”

Harry shook his head. It had been a long, stressful day, and all he wanted to do was fly; it’d be nice to leave his problems on the ground.

“Anywhere it is, then,” said Sirius, grinning. “Should I lead, or you?”

“You’d better lead,” Harry said seriously. “If I lead, you’ll be left in the dust.”

Harry made the fastest transformation and take off in his life to avoid the blow his godfather aimed at his shoulder.

The night air was cool and crisp. October had been relatively warm, but with the first week of November had come the cold northern wind and icy rains. Harry was glad that this night was clear. He wasn’t at all cold; layers of thick protective feathers protected him from the harsh wind. Instead of fighting the stiff currents of air, Harry let them carry him, and used his wings for direction. He soared in high, lazy circles around the large black dog below.

Harry flew a bit ahead, swooping down around the Herbology greenhouses. He was about to double back to let Padfoot catch up, when he suddenly spotted movement inside one of long, glass-covered structures. The Hogwarts greenhouses were magically heated and lighted year round, and as Harry got closer, he could make out the shadows of two people inside. He quickly looped around and landed next to Padfoot, who had stopped on the crest of a little hill and was sniffing the air.

Harry transformed, suddenly shivering against the wind. He pulled his jumper close, glad he’d thrown it on before he’d left the tower.

“There’re two people in the first greenhouse,” he informed his godfather.

Padfoot sniffed once more, then transformed. He looked anxiously in the direction Harry had just flown from. “Let’s turn around,” Sirius said tensely. There was something in his voice Harry couldn’t read. “How about a Firewhiskey at the Hog’s Head?”

Harry suddenly had the strange suspicion that Sirius was trying to keep him away from the greenhouses for a reason. His godfather usually would have been the first to dash in as Padfoot on the unsuspecting people and plant his muddy paws on their robes, barking excitedly.

“Why? It’s probably just a couple Hogwarts students who snuck out to check on their Herbology gardens,” Harry said. “They won’t even recognize us if we run by.”

Sirius shifted uncomfortably. “They might recognize me. It might be teachers.”

Now Harry was really suspicious. “You’re an unregistered Animagus! How would they recognize you?”

His godfather shrugged, unwilling to answer the question. “Harry, please…let’s just leave.”

“I’m going to fly above,” Harry said, eying Sirius. “They won’t recognize me. I just want to see who it is.”

Before Sirius could protest, Harry transformed and leapt into the air. He gained altitude and soared over the glass greenhouses. Harry could easily make out the long rows of magical plants and fungi. Near the end of the rows was a section blocked off and surrounded by signs that read, “Come no closer!” and “Danger!” Inside the gated square grew the really dangerous plants like the Man-Eating Mango Tree, and the Deadly Dandelion.

The two people were in the very center of the greenhouse, and it was obvious that they weren’t professors, and they definitely weren’t there to check their gardens. It looked more like they were checking out each other. The two were standing far too close to be just talking, anyway. They were passionately snogging.

Harry angled a little closer, curious as to who the people were. When he got a good look as their faces, however, he nearly crashed into the side of the greenhouse.

It was Leila.

Her lips were glued to a tall, stringy boy with dark brown hair…and a green and silver crest on his robes.

Theodore Nott was snogging his sister.
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