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Harry's Gift
By Mojomig

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Category: Post-OotP
Characters:All, All
Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama
Warnings: Violence
Story is Complete
Rating: R
Reviews: 17
Summary: Torment. A promise. Disappearance. Growth. Siege. Pain. Dilemma. Betrayal? Death. Fulfilment. ----- A Christmas time one-shot. Before disappearing, Harry swears to Ginny he will free her from the torment that the harrowing events of her past continue to inflict upon her. Voldemort attacks Hogwarts looking for Harry. Dumbledore is faced with a dilemma. Will Albus betray Harry to save the other students? Will Ginny get the peace she desperately seeks? Will Harry return to save the day?
Hitcount: Story Total: 5397

Disclaimer: Harry Potter Publishing Rights © J.K.R. Note the opinions in this story are my own and in no way represent the owners of this site. This story subject to copyright law under transformative use. No compensation is made for this work.

Author's Notes:
This is my warm up Christmas one-shot before I write for the Christmas Challenge. Unlike everything I've written before, this is entirely serious.

I'd be really grateful for beta-ing help, if anyone's interested.


Christmas night, Sixth year, the Burrow, 2am.

Harry watched helplessly from the cold stone steps as Sirius fell back towards the Veil. As time slowed, Harry could hear his own voice crying out. Mesmerised, Harry watched in horror as his beloved godfather changed into his beloved Ginny. As she fell through the tattered cloth and out of sight, he heard his own voice screaming.

Covered in sweat, Harry sat bolt upright in his bed. It had been a dream. He was at the burrow. Ginny had not fallen through the Veil. No. It had been Sirius.

Harry was disturbed by Ron, rustling in the bed next to him.

"Harry? Woss goin' on? Whattime izzit?"

"It's late Ron. Go back to sleep."

In an instant, Ron's snores reverberated once more around the small room. Harry got up and moved to the window. It was a clear night and the almost full moon bathed the orchard behind the Burrow in a dappled, eerie light. Wide awake now, Harry decided to get a drink.

Creeping quietly, avoiding the creaky floorboards, loose stairs and a strange dark object outside the twins' room, Harry made his way silently down through the crazy wooden house and into the kitchen. He retrieved a glass from the dresser and filled it from the tap. Wearing only boxers and a thin dressing gown, Harry decided to go and see if the fire was still burning in the lounge.

Passing through the doorway, the forlorn teen was surprised to see someone already there, in his favourite spot on the sofa.

"Gin?" he called softly.

"Hi Harry, why are you up?"

"Weird dreams. Couldn't sleep. You?"

Ginny didn't answer, but turned back to the fire. Despite the late hour, the flickering firelight and the light of the moon outside was enough for Harry to see the bags under Ginny's eyes, the slump of her shoulders and the lifelessness of her usually vibrant hair.

Harry moved round to the front of the sofa, placing his glass carefully on a little table. Kneeling on the floor in front of Ginny, Harry looked up into her sad and tired eyes, before speaking, in barely more than a whisper.

"You know Ginny, you can tell me anything. I'll always be here."

"I know, thank you, Harry."

Harry continued staring into Ginny's eyes. After a minute or two, Ginny sighed and slumped back into the worn old sofa.

Harry watched her incessantly. Even now, wearing a tired old gown over too small pyjamas, her face aged by fatigue and sadness, Ginny Weasley looked a beautiful young woman. Eventually, she began to talk, quietly and hesitantly, almost desperately at times, but talk nonetheless.

"How long is it since the Chamber, Harry? Three years? Four? I still get nightmares about it, you know. Every single night when I close my eyes all I see are the terrible things that I did. I see the writing on the corridor wall, only it's blood. Blood that I have spilled. I wander the halls of Hogwarts and find bodies of my victims. Justin, Colin, Penny, Hermione. Only they're dead. Murdered at my command. I see the chamber, only it isn't me lying on the cold stone. It's you, Harry. Lying dead at my feet as Tom Riddle's laughter reverberates around me.

I'm not free of him, Harry. I'm still under his spell. Every time I close my eyes I can feel the coldness, the emptiness of his possession. I hear his charming, intoxicating words, goading me, encouraging me to do his bidding. I'm scared to sleep, Merlin I'm even afraid to close my eyes. What if he can still control me? What if I hurt someone again? I can feel his hate inside me, bubbling below the surface, until one day it's going to thrust up out of me, like a knife and stab someone I love."

Ginny was sobbing by now. Harry moved up from the floor and sat on the sofa beside the distressed girl. He pulled her to him and let her cry into his chest. Harry kissed her hair gently.

"I had no idea things were so bad, Ginny. Try to remember that love is stronger than hate. There are so many people who love you. Your family, your friends, Hermione. I love you, Ginny, with all my heart."

Ginny looked up at him, a tiny flicker of hope flashing in her eyes.

"You? You love me?"

"Of course I do. And not just like a brother, or a friend. I don't know how it happened, but I'm totally in love with you. That's how I'm going to keep you safe from Tom. My love is far stronger than any hate he left in you. Let my love keep you warm at night and keep your thoughts free from trouble and sorrow."

"I'm scared that I'll never be able to get away from him. Not until he's dead. Or I am."

"I swear, my Ginny, that I will bring you peace. My gift to you this Christmas is a promise. I promise to deliver you from the torment. I will lift the clouds that darken your soul. I will bring you the gift of peace. I'll never rest until this oath is fulfilled."

"But Harry," Ginny began.

"Shhhh! It is time for sleep. Come, rest your head in my lap. Sleep peacefully my love. Let my presence soothe your troubled mind and keep the dreams at bay."

Ginny reluctantly agreed, but only when Harry convinced her that he didn't care if Molly caught them in the morning. As Ginny slept, Harry looked into the fire. While he thought through the promise he had made only minutes ago, he started to feel it.

A tingling inside his chest. The tingle grew to a burning, a burning which spread though his body. It was a great feeling, like his blood was singing in his veins. Harry understood. This was love, the most powerful human emotion, and it had awoken 'The Power'. The 'Power the Dark Lord knows not' was found.


At around five in the morning, Harry slipped out from under Ginny and crept into the kitchen. Ginny stirred slightly but didn't wake. After silently gathering some belongings from the room he shared with Ron, Harry lit a fire in the kitchen grate, grabbed a handful of floo powder, and left in a whoosh of green flame.

A couple of hours later, Molly came down to the kitchen to find her daughter sat quietly at the table, a piece of parchment in her hands.

"You're up early, love. Is anything the matter?"

"He's gone mum. Harry's gone."

"Gone where? What do you mean?"

"He's gone to kill Tom. And he's not coming back until he's done it." With that, she handed the parchment to her mother before trudging wearily out of the kitchen and back upstairs to her bed.

Shocked at what her daughter had so calmly told her, the Weasley matriarch looked down at the scrap of parchment in her hand.

Dearest Ginny,

I've gone to find your gift. It may take, days, weeks or even years, but I swear I won't return without it. I'm doing this for you, my Love. Not for my parents, Sirius or anyone else in the world, but just for you. My love for you makes me strong. You are my power, the air that I breathe and the blood that flows in my veins.

Stay strong, my angel. Think of me when the demons come.

All my love,


A few hours earlier.

Harry stumbled with his usual grace (or lack thereof) out of the fireplace behind Albus Dumbledore's desk. Fortunately for him, Harry's complete inability to remain upright whilst flooing meant that the two anti-intruder stunners that guarded the Headmaster's office crashed harmlessly into the bricks behind him.

A few moments later, Dumbledore rushed into his office, wand drawn, only to find Harry Potter calmly stroking his phoenix, Fawkes.

Instantly regaining his composure, Dumbledore spoke with his usual calm tone.

"Good morning, Harry. This is a pleasant surprise. I wasn't aware of your penchant for early mornings."

"Hello Professor. I'm sorry for arriving so early like this, but it is important that I speak with you."

"Very well, my boy. Please sit and we shall talk. I would have been getting up soon anyway."

Dumbledore waved his wand and a tea service appeared on the desk. Harry helped himself to a cup and poured one for his Headmaster, who was slightly surprised by the show of confidence from the young man before him. Even more so when he cast a privacy charm around the desk, ensuring those portraits pretending to sleep did not overhear them.

"I've found it, Professor. The Power. It awoke inside me early this morning."

Not expecting this revelation, Dumbledore spilt his tea as he jerked upright in his seat.

"Are you sure? You believe you have found the Power the Dark Lord knows not?"

"I'm quite sure. Now, I need your help."

"Well, of course, my boy. I will help you in any way I can." Positively glowing with excitement, Dumbledore couldn't wait to start training with his favourite student.

"Good," stated Harry firmly. "I wish to take up residence in the Room of Requirement."

"I'm not sure I follow you Harry. Surely you need to train and harness your new-found power?"

"I need time and solitude, Headmaster. Time indeed to master the power, but solitude in order to understand it. I will not be returning to a normal student's schedule. In fact, I will not be returning to classes at all. I simply need time. Alone."

"How much time, Harry?" Dumbledore asked, trying hard to remain calm. "How will you know when you are ready to face Voldemort?"

"I will know. When he comes, I will be ready. Now, will you grant my request? No other must be allowed access to the room and you must tell no-one where I am."

"I do not like it, Harry, but I can tell you are resolute. What, may I ask, is your alternative should I refuse?"

"I will leave Hogwarts and disappear, finding solitude elsewhere. It is the only way."

Dumbledore relaxed back into his chair and let out a long sigh. His excitement now tempered by the disappointment that he no longer had control over the young man sat opposite him.

"I will grant your request. You may reside in the Room of Requirement, as you call it. I will tell no-one and you shall not be disturbed."

"That goes for you too, Professor."

"I understand. As far as I'm concerned, you aren't here and I haven’t seen you."

"Thank you, Professor. I'll let you get dressed now. I'm sure you have lots to do."

"Good bye, Harry. Good luck."

That was the last Albus Dumbledore saw of Harry Potter, for a very long time.


Harry used his imagination to turn the Room of Requirement into a cosy little wooden cabin. The cabin was situated on what resembled a Caribbean island beach, with golden sands and crystal clear blue sea lapping gently at the shoreline. The whole place was drenched either in warm sunshine or pale moonlight. It was the definition of tranquillity.

Spending many hours each day sitting on the beach meditating, Harry learnt to understand and control the power he could feel within himself. By focussing solely on feeling the magic within his body, Harry could harness its power in an instant, bringing it to his fingertips with merely a thought and simply willing the magical energy released to do his bidding.

Whilst meditating, Harry also chose to examine his life so far. By studying all his previous actions, reactions, feelings and emotions, especially when Voldemort was involved, Harry developed a much greater understanding of himself, of his strengths and of his weaknesses. Following this inspection and reordering of his own mind, Harry was able to use the scar-link as a conduit into Voldemort's own mind. In the same way as he studied himself, he gently explored the memories of his nemesis, evaluating, categorising and assessing his opponent.

Through the greater understanding of the magic within himself, Harry began to revisit all the spells he had ever learned. How did they work? Not in theory, but in practice. What physiological effects did casting spells have on the body? It was fascinating to feel how his magic flowed and ebbed as his mind prepared to cast a spell. Closest attention was paid to Voldemort's most popular weapons; the Unforgivable curses.

He came to understand that desire and emotion are the key elements of spell casting. For normal witches and wizards, the desire to effect an outcome combined with a confidence that the outcome will be achieved, is enough to perform most spells. Harry, however, was saturated by his need to be able to love Ginny, giving him desire and belief stronger than anyone could even comprehend. Understanding the way magic worked was Harry's key. So much so, he knew he had become immune to the Imperious, Cruciatus and killing curses. His willpower was far too strong to be overcome by another. His desire would not let anything as simple as perceived pain stand in his way. His belief that the Avada Kedavra could not kill him would far outweigh the caster's belief that it could.

With his power fuelled by the strength of his love for Ginny, Harry also developed ways he could fight. He was able to let his power quickly build up before letting it surge out through his open palms, as great bolts of magical discharge. This became a most brutal magical weapon.

After the first few months, during which Harry never left the solitude and tranquillity of the Room of Requirement, he started spending hours at night stood on the battlement wall that ran around the Astronomy tower. He would simply watch the world, seemingly staring into the night. Watching and waiting.

As a whole year went by, Harry grew into a strong young man. Physically, mentally and emotionally.


Christmas Eve, Seventh year, Hogwarts, 9pm.

It was a cold night. Snow fell lightly from the cloudy sky. A lone figure stood, appearing not to notice the chill of the snowflakes as they landed on his face. Staring out into the night, the figure sensed that something was coming. He was standing, as always atop the tallest tower of the castle, staring into the night. He was dressed for battle. A loose black cloak covered black boots, black combat trousers, black top.

Many hundreds of steps below, the Yule ball was in full swing. Girls, boys, staff, and guests partied happily, unaware of the terror that was about to befall them. The youngest students sat in their common rooms and dormitories, blissfully unaware of the danger that was coming.

But he knew. Stood on the Astronomy tower wall, Harry Potter sensed his arrival. At three minutes past nine, Lord Voldemort arrived.

"So, Tom," thought Harry. "This is it. We've passed the point of no return."

Harry Potter jumped down from the wall and headed for the stairs.


Great Hall, 9:03pm.

For a minute, confusion and chaos struck in the Great Hall. Catching everyone by surprise, a swathe of robed and masked Death Eaters appeared, stunning teachers and any other adults present.

Before Dumbledore had time to gather his wits and return fire, the massive oak doors to the Great Hall slammed shut with a tremendous bang, which rang throughout cavernous room, leaving all within silent. The Death Eaters formed a corridor from the doors to the stage, corralling the terrified students back against the walls. Others took up posts on the stage.

Albus Dumbledore, headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, stood strong, defiant, prepared to defend his school and students to his death. He turned his head to look down the corridor towards the doors.

"What do you want, Tom?"

"I want the boy. He is not in this room. Tell me where he is Dumbledore," hissed the unearthly voice of the Dark Lord.

"He is no longer at Hogwarts, Tom. Surely your spies told you this."

"You lie," spat Voldemort through his hideously twisted face.

The whole room was mesmerised by the interaction between the two great enemies. Students, staff and Death Eaters alike were spellbound by the confrontation.

Startling the room out of its trance, suddenly the spells began to fly between the two. It was short-lived however. Within a few minutes, Dumbledore succumbed to a Crucio from which he did not get up. Instead, Dumbledore remained on his knees, gasping for breath.

"WHERE IS POTTER?" bellowed the Dark Lord. Dumbledore remained silent as his mind whirled frantically to find a solution.

"Perhaps this will loosen your tongue," snarled Voldemort as he struck the old man with the Cruciatus curse a second time. Still Dumbledore remained silent, his face a mask of indifference.

"You are a stubborn fool, Dumbledore. You have one minute to tell me where to find Potter. Otherwise, I will leave your students in the capable hands of my faithful followers. Your time starts now."

Internal debate raged inside Dumbledore's pain ravaged mind. He was beaten, there was no way he had the firepower to defeat Voldemort anymore. That left four options. The first was to stall. Keep Tom talking — Tom loved the sound of his own voice. No, that would just be delaying the inevitable. Lie. Could he convince Voldemort Harry was elsewhere. Although, it was already clear that Voldemort believed Harry to be in the school; he could probably sense Harry, as Harry could always feel Voldemort through the scar. That left two options, to betray or not to betray. Maybe Harry is ready to face him. He had said he would be ready when Voldemort came. Did Harry somehow know this would happen? But what if Harry wasn't ready. Harry was the world's only hope to defeating this monster. Could he really consider condemning the students to the whims of the depraved animals that followed the Dark Lord, just to protect one person. How could he ever live with himself…

"Time's up old man," taunted Voldemort. "What's it to be?"

The Great Hall was silent once more.

"I'll tell you," croaked Dumbledore, his voice hoarse from the effects of the earlier curses. "He's…"

Dumbledore's sentence was drowned out by the booming sound of the Great Hall doors tearing off their hinges and crashing down on to the hard stone floor. Half the hall jumped in surprise. As the dust settled, a lone figure, dressed in black, was standing in the doorway.

"I'm right here Tom."

After a moment's silence, Bellatrix Lestrange was the first to speak.

"Aww, is little Harry coming to the rescue?"

"Of course he is. The stupid, arrogant Gryffindor can't help himself." The nasal tone of Professor Snape rang out from under one of the white masks.

At this comment from his Godfather, Draco Malfoy, who had taken up position close to the Dark Lord, couldn't help but let out a snort of amusement

Harry appeared not to notice. His eyes locked on to Voldemort's. Green against Red. Nature against destruction. The eternal battle of good versus evil. Harry Potter's face was an expressionless visage, completely devoid of concern.

Before anyone else made any move, Harry began striding up the 'corridor' of Death Eaters towards Lord Voldemort.. With his hands outstretched to the sides, he started blasting them all unconscious as he passed. The students dodged and ducked and tried desperately to get out of the way as the bodies of the Voldemort's servants thudded into the walls beside them.

In a pointless attempt at trying to avoid suffering the same fate, Death Eater's near the front of the hall and on the stage began firing stunners at Harry. All attempts were in vain as he continued striding towards Voldemort, the beams of red light bouncing harmlessly away. Voldemort unleashed a Cruciatus but it too struck Harry with no effect. Like a lion stalking its prey, Harry maintained his pace, walking up the hall towards Voldemort.

Starting to panic a little, Voldemort yelled out the two most feared words in the Wizarding world.


Some people screamed, some girls even fainted. The jet of sickly, green light hit Harry in the chest but was absorbed with no effect. Voldemort, looking worried, couldn't hold himself back any longer. As Harry approached, Voldemort cursed Harry over and over again. Desperately crying out the killing curse at his would-be assassin. All over the hall, people were weeping or screaming at the abomination in front of them.

After what seemed like an eternity, although it was only a matter of seconds, Harry stopped, a few feet in front of Voldemort. The Great Hall was strewn with the unconscious bodies of every Death Eater present, as well as Draco Malfoy for good measure.

Visibly shaken, Voldemort snarled at Harry,

"What are you? Who are you?"

"I'm the one who beat you. Again.".

Harry held his fists up to one side. The sword of Godric Gryffindor materialised in his hands.

"What? You think you can hurt me with a muggle weapon? I'm Lord Voldemort. I'm the most powerful sorcerer in the world. I'm…"

With a flash of silver, Harry's arms moved with lightning speed, decapitating the most evil wizard of all time with one swing. As Voldemort's severed head landed on the stone, Harry spoke one word."


Screams rang out once more as the decapitated body of the Dark Lord toppled to the floor. Calmly, Harry moved a step to his left so he could wipe his bloody hands on the lavish robes of Draco Malfoy, who was still lying unconscious, conveniently close. Straightening himself back up to his full height, Harry was suddenly painfully aware that the entire hall was staring at him in shock, silent, as if waiting for him to act.

Taking control, Harry called first for Fawkes, who appeared instantly. The red and gold bird was instructed to take Dumbledore to the infirmary. If anyone was surprised the phoenix obeyed Harry, no-one showed it.

"Professor McGonagall," called Harry authoritatively, "Go and call Kingsley Shacklebolt. Get some aurors in here. The rest of you staff, gather up these pieces of trash and keep them subdued till the aurors arrive."

Harry paused for a moment, before continuing.

"Prefects, take the students back to the dorms. The ball will recommence at 10.30."

Nobody moved.


Everybody moved. Harry's voice left no uncertainty as to who was in charge.

Professor McGonagall hurried out of the small door to the side of the stage, presumably to find the nearest fireplace. Hagrid started hauling the limp bodies of comatose Death Eaters to the middle of the dance floor. The students quickly began heading back to their common rooms, ushered by their prefects. Harry noticed that Hermione and Ron were loitering in the space where the Great Hall doors used to be.

Finally, Harry saw her. Standing in amongst the scattered tables and chairs, was Ginny. It was as if Harry had seen an angel. She was dressed in a beautiful white gown, which served only to enhance her natural beauty.

Suddenly, everything else that was happening in the hall faded away into the background. Ron, Hermione, the lifeless corpse of the Dark Lord, the thudding of Death Eaters being dropped on to the hard flagstones. All disappeared into inconsequential nothingness.

Without hesitating, Harry moved to stand only a few inches from her. Staring into those big brown eyes, he spoke softly, so only she could hear.

"Happy Christmas, my love."

"Happy Christmas, Harry."

Reviews 17

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